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Everything posted by SaršŸ»

  1. Lately I feel like too much is being asked of me at church. Iā€™ve started resenting serving in my callings (was YW Pres now in RS pres) and serving in the ward in general. I donā€™t have any friends or connect with people at ward is either young moms or empty nesters and Iā€™m right in between with young school aged kids. I just donā€™t connect with anyone at church and it takes up sooo much of my time. Aside from callings Iā€™m asked to speak in church, minister to other sisters, bring meals etc and I feel like Iā€™m getting nothing in return. I am SO blessed and KNOW the church is true but Iā€™m not doing this out of love anymore Iā€™m doing it out of duty. The worst part is, there is NO THANKS! In fact, as YW pres all I heard was complaints...and when it was all over and Iā€™d given my heart and soul to these girls for 2 years I was released without a thank-you and it was so abrupt. WHAT CAN I DO I literally feel on the verge of quitting church although my testimony is stronger than ever.