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  1. Hello everyone, I am struggling once again with my marriage and am seeking advice. I have been married to my non-LDS husband for 8 years. We have 2 wonderfull children. When we married 8 years ago, I was not very active in the church. We had been together many years, and marriage seemed to be the next step. Once I came back to the church, I had some good conversations with my bishop and received an answer in prayer to stay with my husband. However the non-LDS aspect is one of many issues I struggle with. My H is in one word difficult. He is a good man, but our beliefs and way of looking at life is very different. He is very specific on how the house is kept. We argued much at first, but I finally conceded and keep things done his way as much as possible. However he always makes comments about clutter and how the house is dirty. It is to the point where I don't like to entertain anymore, because I am so nervous about my guests getting crumbs on the carpet and how he will tell me that I should have done a better job about not letting things like that happen. I try and calmly tell him that I am doing my best and will try and he accepts that, until the next time it happens. Another aspect I am struggling with is our friends. His best friend (and business partner) is what I would consider a party-er. When we are all together (which is pretty much all the time) they drink and are crude and like to go to trendy places I don't feel comfortable in. Our discussions about this usually lead to him telling me I need to do things with him that he likes to do. If we go see a movie (something I like to do), then we should go to a pool table hall (what he likes to do). Although I try to explain the way those places make me feel, he cannot grasp it. It is hard to be the morale leader of the family on my own. The last big issue we have is physical (as you can imagine with these other problems going on). I find myself dangerously dreaming about having the freedom of being confortable in my own place (without him) and being on my own. If you have any advice, I sure would love to hear it! Thanks!