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Posts posted by JaegerTreats

  1. I’ve had a serious talk with him about this, and he’s promised he’s willing to do what’s right ( speak with the bishop) and work on strengthening his testimony and living better. He also mentioned making rules so that it never happens again. He’s willing to fight for this relationship and do what’s necessary. I’m not sure if I will stay with him, that’s up in the air and honestly up to God, and what the bishop advises. We’ve talked about possibly breaking it off for several months to a year to work on being better and to possibly see other people. I think he has some good ideas, and he’s proven to me many times that he loves me. I know that for a fact, just as I know I love him. Bottom line is I will take my bishops advice so I guess it doesn’t matter much unless I’m given a choice. I’m just worried we’ll be forced to separate permanently, or be excommunicated or disfellowshipped. Another person in a similar situation said they were given the option of either permanently breaking it off and facing church discipline, or getting married extremely soon. I’m not ready for that. I guess my mind is just racing and coming up with worst case scenarios. Also, we just got a new bishop, I’ve never talked to him before so I don’t know him at all. That makes me more nervous.


  2. First of all, thank you so much for your support. I really needed this. I’m very thankful for you all.

    Heres the deal. I love this man. I love him so much. And he loves me and makes so many sacrifices for me. I’ve never felt this way before about someone. I feel like I’m at home with him. We’re both very similar in our pasts, having ptsd and anxiety and we are like medicine for each other, we can help each other out of anxiety which is amazing. And for those wondering, I am getting help for my OCD and anxiety etc. it’s bern an ongoing process for years. Here’s what’s been on my mind. Someone (a church member) said one time that if you confess breaking the law of chastity with your boyfriend to your bishop that he’ll require you to break up with each other. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to repent, but I have to admit that would hurt me so badly I don’t know if I could bare it. Has any heard of this? Or has any experience?

  3. Hello, I’m going through an extremely hard time right now. Probably one of the lowest points of my life if not the lowest. For some background, I am an 18 year old female member of the church, I’ve been a member my whole life. I have anxiety and OCD and depression that is a constant struggle in my life. I just started dating, everything is new to me but things were good. I started a relationship with my first boyfriend a couple months back. He is a convert of about 2 years and has made bad life choices. Even after being baptized he had sex with multiple partners and didn’t repent. I don’t think he’s fully committed to the gospel. Of course, I didn’t know this for a good while, but I never felt the spirit around him. Anyways, I fell in love with him. And the past month things have taken a horrible turn. It started with making out, turned into heavy petting/fondling, and two weeks ago and yesterday we broke the law of chastity. Trying not to be descriptive but we basically did everything except actual intercourse. I’m in so much pain spiritually that I can hardly bare it. I feel like I’m being crushed. I never thought that I would do this. I talked to him about it and he’s willing to go see the bishop with me but I don’t think he thinks it’s that big of a deal. I’m thinking to go on my own and not tell him because I’m seriously considering breaking up with him. I’m confident this wouldn’t have happened if I was with someone who was worthy and had a testimony. However, I can’t break up with him super soon because I asked him to go in and get tested for HIV, and I’m worried he won’t do it if I break up with him. He’s been through a lot and it hurts me so bad to do this to him but I think I need to. I’m going to see what the bishop says though. I’m terrified about going in to the bishop though, I’m terrified I’ll be excommunicated. I’m so lost. My family doesn’t know and telling them would shatter them. So I’ve nowhere to turn but here. If this isn’t allowed to be discussed then I understand. Brothers and Sisters please help me. I need support.