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Everything posted by Rchrdnlsn

  1. So traveler, thank you. If I feel like God is telling me to do something that goes against everything I believe in then that would be a good way to judge that its not from God. It is not what the Spirit has told me my whole life. It doesn't feel like it should. I just want to find peace. Anyways. Just thinking about more of what you said. Thanks,
  2. Wow...I feel like I used to be able to detect the Spirit and be able to discern. but now I am just struggling. I don't think God has reveled to me different things than what the prophet has said. But I have feelings that I don't like about it. I took great comfort in this scripture No one shall be appointed to receive commandments and revelations in this church excepting my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., for he receiveth them even as Moses. And thou shalt be obedient unto the things which I shall give unto him, even as Aaron, to declare faithfully the commandments and the revelations, with power and authority unto the church. And if thou art led at any time by the Comforter to speak or teach, or at all times by the way of commandment unto the church, thou mayest do it. But thou shalt not write by way of commandment, but by wisdom. (D&C 28:2-5) I am greatful God has provided a way for us to not be deceived. Also this dispensation is different than all other in the ways that God has set things up through commands in D&C. I read some church history about some other guys who thought they received revelation from God about certain things that went against what the scriptures and prophets teach. That was helpful to know that others make mistakes it what is revealed to them. Just some of my thoughts as I have thought more about revelation. Thanks everyone. I would still love to know thoughts, suggestions and what ever else you could give me. Thanks
  3. I think that is a very faithful way to look at that. Taking the prophets as our guide and praying for understanding and help in applying their words to make sure we understand. I understand that now. Thank you. If I got what you were saying!
  4. I posted something but wanted to remove it. So blank statement here. Sorry.
  5. I also read this article that helped greatly. The Lord has set up a pattern as it says in D&C 52 so we won’t be deceived. People were being deceived around the time that section was written so I believe This pattern was meant for us too. I also don’t think it is right to use the Nephi and Abraham stories as any reason ever to not follow the prophets in your life. The more sure way of revelation, comes through keeping Gods word that prophets have revealed. God is not going tell anyone to go against His revealed prophet because of that pattern which has been set up in this dispensation. He might give clarification or build on why there is the Nephi and Laban story but anyways thank you all for seeing me through this. I feel so much better. I hope to not have opened any more cans of worms!! Thanks.
  6. That is a great thing to remember traveler. Thank you. It also answered another question I was having so thank you.
  7. I just need to learn to trust those first feelings. I get clarity or peace but then an hour later I start to second guess. But while in prayer I get the confirmation that the scriptures are true and what they teach are true. Thanks guys for your help. I have needed it.
  8. I want a way to judge my own revelations from God since I don’t trust my feelings or thoughts right now. There is a devil here that tempts and tries so I just want to make sure I have something to stack my own revelations on.
  9. But if personal revelation conflicts with scripture it is just an opinion. It is not from God.
  10. I just needed to know that the Lord wouldn’t command my friend to be in that SSA relationship is all. That opened a little bit of doubt in my mind with so many people I know claiming different things. I just don’t think He would do that.
  11. Okay I am sorry guys more questions about personal revelation. If there is a member who is married to someone in another faith and they receive revelation that they don’t need to pay tithing that wouldn’t be right either right? Or to go break the sabbath. I just don’t like how these people use in my circle of friends justify breaking the sabbath cause their wife doesn’t want them to. I don’t understand this at all. I have always loved by what the prophets have said but there are so many people saying they receive revelation that is against gospel principles.
  12. Well I have this friend that says God told him it’s okay to be in a same sex relationship. I don’t know how to help him know that is nothing God would say.
  13. And I agree with you that Abraham’s would be much harder than Nephis. Sorry for the confusion.
  14. So the end question is through all of this is would God command others to do similiar or other things that are against core doctrine? The answer is no. I just don’t trust my own feelings right now so... am I right or is that putting restrictions on God. We are supposed to follow the prophets in how to lead our lives right?
  15. what I said about Abraham I can still see a loving God in there for some reason. I know that prophets have said, there is a pattern to revelation, it doesn’t go against core doctrine. That is what I am learning and that is what I am thankful for.
  16. How about abraham? Is it sort of the same thing? It was never Gods intent to have Him kill His son? Many have argued the real test was to see what he would do with the two commandments that contradict each other. Just thinking out loud. Not what I believe just pondering.
  17. Thank you so much Anddenex. I have struggled with this and your have helped me understand. So thank you.
  18. So Was Nephi's experience against core doctrine? I believe you 100%. I just get hung up on this Nephi thing. It doesn't make it so anything is possible right? That is why we have prophets and apostles is to help us know the will of the Lord? Or the further witness you are talking about is from prophets and apostles, or core doctrine?
  19. I am new to this forum but I wanted to ask a question. Its about personal revelation. So If I understand personal revelation it won't conflict with current words of prophets or any scripture for that matter? I hear many people say they received personal revelation that clearly goes against what our Prophet is saying. How can I know for sure what is revelation and what is my own feelings? I used to put everything up against what the prophets have said and do say. I assume that is still the best practice since God would first reveal to his servants the prophets right? Anyways I am rambling but just want to know what faithful advice you guys all have. Thanks