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Everything posted by pattyjean

  1. Guess I was fortunate, been a member ten years. I read the book of Mormon then got on my knees and prayed to know the truth. Some time later a message "IT IS TRUE" marched through my head. Since joining the LDS church, have had some extremely dramatic spiritual experiences, including visits from deceased parents and other deceased relatives. The next time I slept after my father died six years ago I saw him enter the spirit world. Once I got my parents sealed I saw them in my dreams coming together. Being baptized was like opening the floodgates for me. Never experienced these kind of spiritual happenings before!!!!! Although keep in mind I do have some spiritual gifts, heard mom talk to me a few months after her death in 1985. Was carrying groceries into my parents house and heard her hollar "Well Hi There" I turned to look and there was nobody there!!!! This happened in broad daylight with family all around. So I indeed have some gifts. For you folks just so unsure, IF you get that peaceful yes this is right, stop pushing to have some miracle or sign occur.... know that that peaceful feelings IS YOUR CONFIRMATION!!!!