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Everything posted by Ralph

  1. My personal choices for study are first, the Institute manuals. They are available online in PDF format. My next choice is two bible dictionarys. First is Strongs Exhaustive Concordance and Dictionary. It has the actual root word in Hebrew (old testiment) and Greek (new testiment) and it's original meanings. I find it helps clarify choices of words used if the Bible dictionary in my bible doesn't. Next choice is the Harper Collins Bible dictionary. It explains more of the customs about things which often helps open my understanding of what might be going on at the time. The internet has been fun and has given many interesting things. I do caution anyone using the internet to not beleive everything you see written, but I do have to admit I've seen some very good arguements as to why they list some of the things they do on the internet sites. And yes, it has answered many questions too about the Bible and such. Farms is a great site for reference. I've not used it very much because it's more a reading site. But there is a ton of research there that has been done. If you can land a document that relates with what you are looking for, it's a gold mine of information. It's just a matter of finding it there. Above all, we are reminded to use first, church resourses. I know they don't go very good in some studies. Then we are told to use other resources, but to allow the Holy Ghost to guide in in learning the truth. It is why we have been blessed with that gift, if we only but learn to use it. The Holy Ghost is your greatest study companion.