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Posts posted by Idacat

  1. Go here, to the CBS website.

    At the bottom of the page there is a link for feedback. Click on it and you'll get a form with a drop down menu at the top to choose your topic; Cold Case is one of the topics.

    I can't honestly imagine they are not innundated with similarly outraged (OK, strong term) Mormons, but the "garmies" scene and the aunt using that term just simply pushed me over the edge, plus they DID actually show the killer in what certainly looked to me like garments.

    They also used the terms "Latter Day Saints", and "LDS" along with Mormon, so no one would be confused as to which religion spawned this fanatic serial killer.

    Must be my year. I emailed about misuse and mispronounciations of very common medical terms in the show Medical Investigations also. I think that one has been cancelled.

    You'd think it wouldn't be all that hard to find a Mormon to verify the facts presented in Cold Case, nor to point out that the garments thing would be highly offensive to LDS.

  2. I like Cold Case and would class it as oone of my favorite current TV shows.

    I was APALLED at this episode and the misrepresentation and actually emailed them, not failing to mention the "garmies" scene.

    That having been said, there are religious fanatics of all denominations, including no denomination at all, but if they were going to make the serial killer an LDS religious fanatic, it could have been done in a factually correct and inoffensive manner.

  3. I did this but I just used plain old local guides, not LDS. The ones I had were local school teachers supplementing their income. Most speak at least some English.

    And, if you do this do not miss Uxmal, just up the road from Chichen Itza. There is also a great old hotel at Chichen Itza, built for European travelers during the early 1900's, I stayed over Christmas once when I was there a few years ago.

    If it is simple day trips you are interested in, you'll be inundated with offers once you hit your Cancun hotel, but I bought a Cancun hotel/air package and just spent two nights in Cancun, the first and the last nights of my trip, touring the Yucatan in the meantime and staying at Chichen Itza or in Progresso or Merida.

    You may be able to locate and LDS guide, although I do not see the importance either, by contacting the mission president in Merida.

    If you want an LDS guide because you are somehow "afraid" of other locals, don't be. I was a woman traveling alone at times and was always treated with the utmost respect everywhere I went.

  4. Originally posted by pushka@Apr 25 2005, 05:22 PM

    Cats are not naturally house pets...hope you were joking btw! and at least they mostly make an attempt at covering up their stuff...

    I realize the "over there" it is common to let cats roam, but here it is not and Que Sera is correct.

    The HSUS puts out pamphlets with statistics about how much longer the natural lifespan of an indoors cat is versus an inside outside cat's. Keeping cats strictly inside is actively encouraged.

    So, over here, cats are, indeed, considered housepets.

    As one vet long ago told me:"Why do you think they call them HOUSEcats?"

    I have three cats; except for brief supervised excusions to the fenced backyard, they do not go out. And, they are quite happy with this arrangement.

  5. Originally posted by Snow@Apr 15 2005, 10:07 AM

    This is one of those critical thinking thingamajobs I was talking about. The actual historical evidence that Moses was even a real person is nil, zilch, zero. To then propose that a person for whom no evidence exists smelted volcanic ash at 450 degrees 3500 years ago and fed it to his follower in order to sell a product that purports to increase your sex drive and help you remember your prior lives is a bit beyond the pale.

    In this case I don't think you even need to engage in critical thinking of the degree necessary to examine the historical evidence of Moses as a "real" individual, even if such evidence IS non existant.

    For this you only have to get as critical as high school chemistry.

  6. Originally posted by Snow@Apr 14 2005, 08:27 PM

    Oh, and did I mention that this white powder is sold for $60 in homeopathic form such that the powder is so diluted in water and alcohol that it cannot not be detected or measured?

    So far, I've agreed with everything you've said about this top, except I think you might have failed to mention alchemy and colloidial silver.

    But....I have to warn you right now not to get me started on homeopathy, the ultimate fraud. I am continually amazed (amused) at the caliber of people I actually interact with IRL who actually buy this, um, snake oil.

    And, after you don't get me started on homeopathy in general, please don't get me started on nosodes and the anti-vaccination movement.

    PS- I think Pushka is being very gracious and I'd personally rather this not regress into some kind of "bash Pushka" thing, even if you are da boss.

  7. Originally posted by Snow@Mar 27 2005, 11:53 PM

    Gary Ridgeway, though prolific, was bland, nowhere near as interesting as Bundy or The Hillside Strangler, or .. Viktor Burakov, the most savage serial killer in Russian history.

    I agree, and this may be why, although I usually enjoy "true crime" that I have no interest in reading about Ridgeway.

    I don't necessarily agree about Ann Rule, some of her books beyond Bundy have been pretty good. Dead by Sunset, about a sociopath who wooed, married, and killed a Portland,Or. doctor, I found enjoyable. Another one I enjoyed, more recently was A Heart Full of Lies. The latter, I was living in the area in which it took place at the time it took place, and knew personally a number of the law enforcement and legal professionals who figured prominantly in the story which made it even more interesting. Plus the killer was a woman whose psychopathology, followed from her teen years to present, was, IMO, fascinating.

  8. Originally posted by lindy9556@Apr 6 2005, 09:12 PM

    I still don't understand why only those who are under the age of 80 are allowed to vote, when the Pope is allowed to reign over the age of 80. It seems that they don't trust the judgement of anyone over the age of 80 if they can't vote in the election of a new Pope. There are some very intelligent, articulate, sharp minded over 80 people who add experience along with intelligence.

    It's because they are electing one of themselves, one of the College of Cardinals, as the next Pope. It isn't so much that Cardinals over 80 have somehow "lost it", it is that hopefully a Pope is elected who will have a long reign, which is unlikely if the new Pope is 80 or older when elected. So, it boils down to Cardinals under 80 voting for other Cardinals under 80.

    After all, the Pope prior to JPII was only Pope for a few months (? some really short time) before dying and leaving the position open.

    I asked a handy Catholic friend ;-)

  9. Originally posted by Amillia@Apr 1 2005, 11:52 PM

    The heart beat and the breathing was a function of the brain stem ~ strickly reflexes, not life.

    Actually, from all I can find plowing through some of the most tedious stuff imaginable, PD's copied and pasted definition of legal/clinical death, no brain function, including no brainSTEM function defines legal/clinical death. So, with brainstem function, and no cortical function Terri would have been technically alive, but in the state called "persistant vegetative". I said this myself last night, or the night before, and posted a link for to the definition of PVS, so I don't know what came over me tonight except perhaps I was flustered by the mention of Dr. Sanjay Gupta, whom I loathe, and who is into the same kind of mumbo jumbo mysticism George Felos is criticized for.

    And death is a clinical diagnosis, you don't need an EEG if you have a patient who is unable to breathe on their own and you know they have no brainstem function; the EEG measures primarily cortical function, and Terri's was "flat". Although the physician who said this on the Dan Abrams show (which I actually watched but ignored Dr. Gupta)may have been hired by Michael Schiavo, and was perhaps "dumbing down" his terminology to cater to the audience, he was still, IMO, right. To me this means Terri was a non thinking, non feeling, non functioning body kept breathing by a brain stem left intact by some awful fluke of fate.

    Again, IMO, the fine line between "brain death" and PVS is what makes this case so sad and so moving for all of us; it takes more than the ability to breathe on one's own to make one "alive", and while I can see why grieving parents might go a little "mad" and seek to keep a daughter with them, here on this earth, in a state of breathing death, I KNOW, beyond any shadow of doubt that there are none, or close enough to none of those among us (not just here, I am speaking of "us" as people in general) who would choose that state of mindless rotting existence for ourselves.

    I still think that the evidence tells that through all of this Michael Schiavo has acted with a much greater degree of grace and compassion than have the Schindlers, and, perhaps the greatest evidence we have for this has been his low profile and silence as the Schindler's played the crowd. And, in the end I think the Schindler's actions will finally betray them. we are seeing this now, with the selling of the list of contributors, and the literal attempt to pick a fist fight at Terri's actual deathbed on the part of Bobby Schindler.

    A couple of things struck me in the National College of Neurology definition of PVS that I posted last night, maybe the night before. One, is that after 12 moonths, the chances of recovery from a PVS are nil. Yet, it is well documented that Michael kept trying therapies and experimental treatments well past that 12 month mark.

    And, for those who claim Terri received sub standard, careless, or shoddy care: the expected lifespan of someone in a PVS is 2-5 years. Terri survived 15; this speaks to her having had exceptional care.

    It is late and I am rambling I know, sorry.

  10. Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Apr 1 2005, 05:23 PM

    If you would ever another reply back from me you will speak to me with respect.

    I honestly fail to see how I have been in any way disrespectful to you personally.

    I have encouraged you to to look at the facts, and not ONLY the gossip and innuendo propagandized by the Schindlers and their "handlers", and to let intellect, and not raw emotion, lead you to conclusions. I'm not the only person who has done this and who sees your opinions as purely emotion driven, devoid of actual facts. But, I have certainly never called you blockheaded nor accused you of being someone who would have been among the lynch mob shouting "burn the witches" in the Salem of the seventeenth century. Nor, in fact, would I ever say these things to you or anyone.

    This is not the only board on which I have been carrying on this conversation; I have been posting on three different boards more or less concurrently. On each and every one there has been one poster, usually not more than one, and one of these boards has 5,500 active members. who can see this case ONLY in the heat of raw emotion and who will not look at any of the copious objective information available to everyone who cares to partake of it if they are not so set in their state of blind emotion that they will not or can not do this. And, I admit to being so conditioned to objectivity and factual analysis that this puzzles and frustrates me. Myself, I would NEVER want to be so blinded in this way that reality flew out the window and the window became wide open to decision making of the worst kind.......that predicated on emotion and not fact or reality.

    And, I can see why your thinking, or emoting, takes you the direction it does...because you have a son who sufffered a head injury, much like my son did, in fact, VERY MUCH, having seen the MRI. But, you cannot extend your feelings regarding your son's case to Terri Schiavo, because the cases are so completely and totally different. I think somewhere deep down in your heart, and in that subconscious part of your thought processes you cannot control, your emotions have transferred your feelings about your son to Terri in such a way that you feel that if you face objective facts in Terri's case, you are emotionally abandoning your son.

    IMO, this only makes you a mother, not a blockhead.

    And, to me it exemplifies why, when choosing a health care proxy we need to seek someone a step removed, or someone we know will not deny our wishes because of their emotions..........the reason my younger son will make these decisions for me, and not my daughter, who, at the age of 33 goes into tears when I mention that she will get my diamond jewelry when I die.

    You're right, I don't know you, nor know about your life.Nor, frankly do I hold for you the animosity you perceive, and that you seem to hold for me, without,IMO, logical reason. But I've been reading and lurking here, and HAVE followed the story of your injured son, becasue truly, this is something we actually share.

  11. Originally posted by TheProudDuck@Apr 1 2005, 05:13 PM

    No, it's not. She did have some brain activity. If a person has a heartbeat that continues by itself, there is brain activity, period. Specifically, the autonomic system, operating from the brain stem, is the only thing that keeps the heartbeat and breathing going. It's impossible for a person with no brain activity to have an independent heartbeat.

    If Terri Schiavo truly had "no brain activity," she would have had to be on a heart-lung machine, wouldn't have responded to stimuli, couldn't have opened and closed her eyes, and couldn't have made noise.

    Now, it does look like she had little or no higher brain activity, as her cerebral cortex, where the higher brain functions associated with consciousness are mostly operate, was pretty much shot.


    And, she had a flat EEG, showing total lack of cortical activity.

    A flat EEG. even in the presence of brainstem activity, breathing and heartbeat is generally what is considered to be the definition of clinical death.

    Terri, the person, died in 1990, hope lingered longer than the 12 months after which a PVS patient has essentially zero chance of recovery.

    I WISH I could say I believed Terri's spirit had left her body at the time it "died"; at the time of the cardiac incident that sent her into a coma, and then into the PVS. But, the one thing that sickens me the most about the whole ghoulish busiiness of going to all ends to keep her alive is the thought of her soul, her eternal spirit, somehow trapped in that ghastly shell all those years.

  12. Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Apr 1 2005, 10:57 AM

    According to one of the posts here the decision was made by the court that Michael was the only one allowed to be with her when she died. The post went on to say something like this...when the hospice staff felt that Terri was close to death, they went to get Michael who was in another room within the hospice center. He then threw the family out and posed for pictures... It seems a bit self serving to me.

    It is my opinion that Michael is doing some things to hurt the Schindlers. Terri is catholic and her family would like to have her buried and not cremated. What would be his motive to over stepping her religious preferences?

    Bobby Schindler was removed by the police, at the request of hospice personnel after physically threatening Michael Schiavo. SO, please do not selective misquote something I and others posted, nor misquote ir ignore the several reliable links that were posted to back it up.

    IMO, had the Schinders been less belligerent throughout, they would have had more rights at the end.

  13. Originally posted by curvette@Mar 31 2005, 08:58 PM

    If anyone in this scenario is "slime", it's the Response, Unlimited corp. for capitalizing on a family's grief, and the press who love to stir things up.

    Not that this isn't an excellent point, or that the Schlindlers may well NOT have realized the ramifications, but, you know, they would have been in a much better position, and would have come off, IMO, as looking a lot better than they do if they had gone with the court rulings years ago and refrained from turning their daughter's death, and her life, into a three ring circus.

    Plus, I posted in the other thread, a statement from one of those previous court procedings that detailed to what ends the Schlindlers would do to keep Terri "alive".

    Those people are just NOT right in the head, sorry.

  14. Yup, I posted a link to that in the other thread (where I have no empathy, yanno?).

    This, and the other link, testimony to the ghoulish ends they would go to to keep Terri trapped in that sad shell, has made me lose any possible respect I had for the Schindlers, even as grieving parents.

    Well, this and the fact that they sold themselves out to a bunch of truly nutball right wing fundies who are using and will use them to push their own agendas, as they laugh behind their hands about the Schindler's being abominable idolators headed straight for H-E- double hockey sticks.

    As someone who has had to make the decision they could not, I am sickened.

  15. Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Mar 31 2005, 07:19 PM

    Then her ¡Èloving partner¡É throws her family out of the room just 10 minutes before she passes. To all Michael supports¡ÄWhy would he do that?? I have an idea but I would like to be enlightened from the other side.

    It was part of a prior court decision that ONLY Michael be present at the actual moment of death. When it became obvious that that moment was nigh, hospice employees summoned Michael from his adjacent room and asked Terri's brother to leave, as previously defined by legal means. Of course, he did not go quietly, but put up a stink and physically threatened Michael Schiavo, ultimately having to be removed by security guards.

    This was not an execution, it was, for Terri, an escape from a tortured body that should have happened years ago.

    Terri's family members were allowed to be with her until ten minutes before she actually died, and were allowed back in, to be alone with her, ten minutes after she died. I think that, given the court order that members of both families could NOT be in the room at the same time, this, I see, as gracious on Michael's part.

    So, contrary to some conspiracy theory, it was a court order issued to prevent possible mayhem, that made it impossible for Terri's family to be present at the time of her death.

    IMHO, if they had behaved themselves a little better for the last ten years, as they got more and more "out there", they could well have been allowed to stay.

  16. Originally posted by Amillia@Mar 31 2005, 06:49 PM

    I agree. I really can't stand her parents and I can see why Michael has had to fight for every right for his wife ~ which would have been normally his without a fight.

    You know, ten or so years ago her parents were just as any other grieving family, loathe to let their child die, despite the exhaustion of any means of meaningful recovery, including simply, time in the PVS. I posted a link somewhere back there to the definition of PVS (American College of Neurology website) that said after 12 months there is NO chance of recovery; yet Michael actively sought all kinds of therapies for at least 3-4 years past the incident before losing hope and then seeking to end Terri's earthly existence as he knew she would want, as, WHICH OF US WOULD not??

    But, in all their zeal they eventually allowed themselves to be co opted and used by the same "right to life" religious fundamentalist groups that think it is OK to shoot doctors through their livingroom picture window because they legally terminate pregnancy.

    This is ironic, since these same fundamentalists regard Catholics as little more than abominable idolators, just as they regard we LDS as not Christian at all, since we are not trinitarians in the classic sense, bar LDS from active participation in the National Day of Prayer, and will not let LDS ward softball teams play in Christian leagues, all the while sucking unknowing LDS into supporting their political causes.

    Just wait until they turn. On us.

  17. Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Mar 31 2005, 10:07 AM

    Science does have its place, but not in life or death matters...............

    Personal insults to me will never change the way I feel about this, and it only shows me that you have run out of options. Furthermore, it is your lack of empathy that shows others who you truly are.

    If it weren;t for science we would each have a dead son. I think you know this.

    Is all life in the hands of the Heavenly Father?

    Yes, this is why he gave us science.

    Other than saying the same others have said, that your references and links are picked and chosen to damn Michael Schiavo, sans objective evidence, to hell, on earth and in the hereafter, I have not seen that I have in any way personally insulted you.

    Quite the contrary, in fact, since I gave you the benefit of the doubt in assuming you would want to know more of the physical and scientific facts, the court documents and testimony, etc. in order to make your OWN informed opinion rather than parroting off what you receive spoon fed and already biased by not just the right wing media, like Faux News, but the army of fundamentalist right wing websites that have sprung up for the entire purpose of damning Michael Schiavo in the face of all evidence to the contrary, including the FACT that he has, all along, been the one who refused to make a public, political, and media circus of the life and death of his wife....a spirit, a soul, trapped in a body here on earth, unable to move on to the peace she deserves in the hereafter.

    I have no empathy???

    I've seen way to many people trapped in dead bodies as was Terri, with families to wrapped up in their own selfishness to let go to lack the empathy necessary to make that hard decision.

    God grant you peace, as He has now granted Terri release from her bondage and flight to her eternal life.

  18. Did the Schindlers care about Terri, or only about them selves.

    This tells me their "care", went beyond the ghoulish and was all about them, not the care, comfort, or welfare of Terri:

    Testimony provided by members of the Schindler family included very personal statements about their desire and intention to ensure that Theresa remain alive. Throughout the course of the litigation, deposition and trial testimony by members of the Schindler family voiced the disturbing belief that they would keep Theresa alive at any and all costs. Nearly gruesome examples were given, eliciting agreement by family members that in the event Theresa should contract diabetes and subsequent gangrene in each of her limbs, they would agree to amputate each limb, and would then, were she to be diagnosed with heart disease, perform open heart surgery. There was additional, difficult testimony that appeared to establish that despite the sad and undesirable condition of Theresa, the parents still derived joy from having her alive, even if Theresa might not be at all aware of her environment given the persistent vegetative state. Within the testimony, as part of the hypotheticals presented, Schindler family members stated that even if Theresa had told them of her intention to have artificial nutrition withdrawn, they would not do it. Throughout this painful and difficult trial, the family acknowledged that Theresa was in a diagnosed persistent vegetative state.

    From this link

  19. Originally posted by Jenda@Mar 30 2005, 10:20 PM

    . My question was asked because your information conflicts with reality.

    OK, here is a link to a huge PDF file defining PVS:

    PVS as per American Academy of Neurology

    Since it is PDF I can't copy or paste, but here are a couple of exerpts (verbatim, emphasis mine)


    Sufficiently preserved hypothalamic and brainstem autonomic function to permit survival with medical and nursing care.

    Categories and Clinical Course of PVS:

    A. Acute traumatic and nontraumatic brain injury:PVS usually evolves within 1 month of injury from a state of eyes-closed coma to a state of wakefulness without awareness with sleep-wake cycles and preserved brainstem functions.

    Both of these statements indicate that brainstem function is intact in PVS; breathing is mediated by the brainstem.

    A couple of interesting paraphrases:

    .....after 12 months almost no probability of recovery....

    ......lifespan is substantially reduced, 2-5 years......

    this last seems to indicate that Terri has long since outlived her predicted lifespan as a person in PVS

  20. Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Mar 30 2005, 10:15 PM

    Not only are insensitive but insulting and I have no use for you.

    Do you actually WANT to understand any of this or is what you find in those libelous, gossipy, unscientific, biased sites all you care to know??

    If so, then, whatever.

    I can show you a site that claims HIV does not cause AIDS too.

  21. Jenda.........please check the link I posted above with the brain map.

    The important factor here is NOT the cause of the brain injury, the brain having been deprived of oxygen. It is the specific area of the brain that was deprived of oxygen and therefore damaged. It isn't the "as much" dmage as it is where the dmage is located.

    People with an intact brain stem can breathe on their own, but if their cerebral cortex is gone (literally) they are without cognition, feeling, emotion, and volitional movement.

    And, ventilator assisted breathing is not in any definiton I have been able to find for PVS, so perhaps the definition is in conflict with reality?

    At any rate, the brain map site should clear up the confusion, I hope.