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Everything posted by LDSBruin

  1. Searcher, I have been in a similar boat as you. I am by nature a very skeptical person and am very much afraid of the way that human emotions and mindsets can be manipulated. Like you, I figured out that if the church isn't true, there is no other that is and that Christ was not our Savior. I think what has helped me a lot, is gaining a better understanding of faith. Truly, Alma was inspired when he wrote the words in ch. 32. It is important to take the initial blind step of testing God's word. I don't know how it will work for you, but for me it was invaluable to start focusing on having faith in what God has taught me. Do I believe that the principles taught in the church truly make a person happy? I found that it was easy for me to test and truly believe that living the principles of the Gospel brings happiness. As we see the benefits of these things our test of faith becomes knowledge. I know that living the law of chastity brings blessings. I know that the Word of Wisdom brings blessings. Soon I realize that I all that the church has taught me brings happiness and a feeling in my soul that they are true principles. So for me the first question became, do I actually believe Jesus Christ's teachings? It was easy to answer yes to that. The next question I approached was, do I believe that He loves me? That is was a lot harder for me to answer. But I noticed that as I repented and asked for help, I felt an easiness in my soul. I felt loved. Soon I felt the spirit more at church. I don't particularly look for any "burning", but rather deep peace and moments of intense clarity of thought when I realize, that yes, it is true. The more I test it, the more I discover that it is true. I know that God lives, because I have tested Him on His word, and He has shown me that He loves me. I feel that love greatest through the process of repentance. He has given me a way to find peace and happiness and the only obstacle to that, has been my own self. I have never prayed and immediately felt the strong impression that God lives in a way that would feel like an undeniable answer, but I have countless times felt the peace and perspective that comes from feeling the spirit when I hear the truth. It is undeniable to me that the apostles and prophets are inspired. When I read their words, I know they are true. My bosom doesn't burn so much as my soul speaks to me in agreement when I read them. I have come to trust God in a way much like I learned to trust any other law of nature. Anyway, sorry to ramble. I wish you well in your search. I highly recommend reading the words of the prophets both ancient and modern, so that you can feel that they are true and so that you can put them to the test.