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Posts posted by PinkPanther

  1. Heaven help a parent that supports their children even if they aren't carbon copies of their parents, what is this world coming to, shame on those parents, shame :nownow:

    I'm not saying that they have to be carbon copies. What I'm saying is that it's surprising to me that if you really fully love and embrace your religion, you would want your kids to have that same joy and teach (not brainwash) them the tenants of your faith.

    I don't know, it just seems strange to me.

    I could be wrong, I don't know them personally and only an edited version.

  2. My hubby loves him some xbox and xbox live. It's his way to relax and hang with friends and I don't mind.

    However he doesn't spend long hours on there, and he will stop in the middle if me or the baby need him.

    I did tell him that we needed to cancel the subscription to WoW if he had an xbox live account as it was a waste of money.

    Pretty much the only games I like are the Lego's fun to break all the lego pieces and collect coins...

    I used to play Sims before I had a baby, and I always made myself clean for an hour, then I could play for an hour....clean for an for an hour...and I always got tired of playing and ended up cleaning more...

    It's all about moderation.

    My sister-in-law has a troubled marriage, because her husband and his whole family waste their lives on gaming. Which is a lesson to all that you should know someone longer than a month before you get married!

  3. Thanks so much everyone! I feel so heartened reading all of your replies. I really do feel better already.

    I am going to pray about it earnestly for a little while. I think I have been scared the answer is going to be "yes" so I have been avoiding it ;) But deep down I know that is not the right way to go about it! And I yearn for a baby so, so badly...its just the fear holding me back from finding out what Heavenly Father wants for me.

    One of my good friends always says, "If we all waited until the perfect time to have a child, it would probably never come."

    Aphrodite--I totally feel the same way as you about fearing childbirth! It does make me feel better to know I'm not alone. I thought watching those 'birth story' and 'baby story' shows would make me feel better but all of the trauma that goes on just made me more scared.

    The one in 3000 statistic really bothers me still (and that is in America). But I think instead of dwelling on it I should figure out what it means (for instance it probably includes woman having children in their late 40s or even 50s and i'm a healthy 24 year old).

    Thanks for all of the support. I'll keep you posted!!

    Not having read all the posts, I just wanted to tell you to stop watching those shows. They are edited and they air the most dramatic births.

    I would encourage you to see The Business of Being Born. It's great and eyeopening. Have you done any research on Birthing Centers, Home Births, Midwives....? I have and as well as Hospitals and Doctors. I have found that most women who really do extensive research tend to go with a Midwife at home or in a Birthing Center. The women who only research pregnancy and all that can go wrong as well as hospital births, tend to avoid pregnancy or go to a hospital. Because the "Doctors know what's best!" I tend to disagree with that statement most of the time.

    As you said you have anxiety issues. You should definitely look into having a Doula.

    I've found that a lot of women have problems during labor due to unnecessary intervention by doctors. Something I've seen with my own eyes.

    Which is one reason we are seeing a Midwife and our baby will be born at a Birthing Center.

    Good luck!!

  4. Congrats all you Pregos!

    I'm due August 21 with our first baby. It's a girl, and we are stoked. We are having our baby at a Birthing Center with a CNM. We are starting our birthing classes soon. We have decided to go with the Bradley Method. My hubby is going to "catch" the baby!! Whoo hoo!!

  5. I would just reiterate what Alaskagain said. You should find out why he became scared in the first place. Did something happen recently? Talk to him about it. You may be able to get some clues from him. Goodluck.

  6. Our baby girl is due in August and we are having a fun time finding a name. We think we have one picked. Aislin Rae. (Ace-Lyn Ray) My husband found it online and we both really like it. But we are not closing the book on names just yet.

    I live in Utah, so I have heard kids named Nephi all over the place. If you don't live in Utah, then I'd say it's ok to name him Nephi. If we were expecting a boy, we have Liam and Oliver on our list.


  7. I was blessed that my daughter was delivered by a midwife. Due to complications, we could not use a freestanding Birthing Center. Used an educational hospital instead. The OBs and their students were sitting around on their hands with nothing to do right then, so they kept trying to insist that my wife have a c-section. They were very persistent. Our Nurse Midwife kept holding them at bay despite their slavering desire to cut something. At last my daughter was born. All drug free and with a resultant perfect apgar score.

    A midwife that day kept the doctors at bay - keep this piece of advice in mind. :lol:

    That's so cool for your wife and daughter.

    As long as things continue this way, I hope to not be transferred to the hospital. I would love to have a home birth, but hubby is not comfortable with it. Thankfully if I do have to go to the hospital, the CNM will come with me as our advocate.

    I'm hoping to see the movie "The Bussiness of Being Born" soon that goes into how money is pushing the higher incidents of c-section and drugs and just everything else that just interferes with the natural process.

  8. LOL...these are great. We found out a few weeks ago that we are expecting a girl. I did the needle on thread thing over my hand (I think it's the same as the wedding band thing)and it said girl!! I also looked at the Chinese conception chart and it said boy. One right one wrong. A friend of mine has six kids and the needle has been right every time.

    I guess I will be going "Naturally drug free" seeing as how I'm delivering at a freestanding Birthing Center with a Midwife.

    I think the hardest part of the pregnancy so far is trying to find a name for this little girl.

  9. I absolutely loved her talk. It was inspiring and uplifting. I must admit that I did not read the entire thread.... However, I think with the deterioration of the family these days, there is a strong need for mothers and fathers to fulfill the roles assigned them. Read The Family, A Proclamation To the World. If there is something distracting you and taking away from your role, it needs to be reconsidered as a priority. This could mean different things for different families. I also think that many people need to figure out what is important. Does Mom have a second job to put food on the table, or is it some material thing? Does Mom need a second job to fulfill herself, or does it fulfill the whole family? Every situation is different.

    I am pregnant with my first baby and we are living off of my husbands meager salary. I haven't worked in about a year, and I can tell you that it gets seriously dull around here. I know that having kids will be a bit more exciting, but I also have friends that just do the same thing over and over and over, and it's mundane for them. I will be home with the kids until they are able to start school. I will then look into getting a fulfilling job. But if I want the joys of motherhood and the responsibility, then I need to make the sacrifice of myself. I don't care how anyone wants to justify it, but a mother in the home is way more beneficial to the children than sending them to a daycare or somewhere else. I guess I think, if you don't want to make the sacrifice, then you shouldn't have kids.

    As you can tell, I'm feeling a bit feisty right now. I don't mean to offend anyone, but this is just what I beleive. Take it or leave it!

  10. Is there a website with a JW message board out there? I can't find one. I belong to a Catholic message board and to this LDS one. I would like to join others as I learn more about other beliefs. I have always been curious about Catholic teachings and JW teachings. I just need to find a good JW message board!! Thanks.

  11. It is rare that a person is not given a HT assignment.

    I think this happens a lot. My husband and I have lived here for a year and a half and he isn't even on the EQ role. My friend and visiting teachers' husband isn't either and they've been here a few months longer.... She and I have both had seperate conversations with the Bishop about it, and he just says he'll look into it, then nothing. Also, we either don't have Home Teachers or they don't come. I have talked to the Bishop about this as well, he just says he'll look into it. On the other side, I have been active for about 9 years now and lived in 5 different wards and this is the first time I have been given a VT route. It's also the first time I've had VT's. I have inquired in every ward about it.... without avail... I don't let it get me down though, my VT's are great.