Silver Girl

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Posts posted by Silver Girl

  1. I just wanted to add a quick note... I am not sure that anyone will agree with me, but here is my take on forgiving others... I am always uncomfortable with the old saying "Forgive and Forget"... In all cases we must learn to FORGIVE, but in some cases we do not have to FORGET... Here is what I mean...

    Years ago I was sexually assaulted... It was horrible and brutal, and I do not share my story with most people... It has taken therapy and many years of hard work to forgive my assailant... And, I have forgiven him... I no longer wish him ill will... I no longer see a fatal accident on TV and wonder why it wasn't him... I no longer pray for God to strike him dead with a random bolt of lightening... I am over that...

    But... I do not believe for one second God expects me to forget what he did... I know it would be unsafe and unhealthy for me, both physically and emotionally, to ever see him again... Or even hear his voice... I will never in my life time, allow myself to see him, hear from him, or be in a room with him... That is the boundary I have to set in order to live and function as a survivor...

    I have had several people tell me over the years that I have not truly forgiven him, because I refuse to speak to him... They feel that I should give him a call, and talk to him... To let him know that all is forgiven... I cannot do that... But, in my heart, between me and my Father, I know what is in my heart... And I have forgiven... I am, all these years later, finally at peace....

    Just my .02,

    Silver Girl

  2. I watched the Director's Commentary on the Brigham City DVD, and if I recall correctly, he said something about starring in his films to keep the costs down... He would have to pay another actor, but didn't have to pay himself... He also said hiring Wilford Brimley about broke the bank for Brigham City, but WB was so perfect for the part, he cut costs in other areas to bring WB on board...

    I have also heard that Dutcher can be an ego-manic, but there are plenty of LDS and Non-LDS people who can fit that description... I am sad to see Dutcher leave the Church that I hold so dear, but as others have said, I am pleased to see that he is not railing against the Chruch, and spouting falsehoods... I will still have some respect for him if it stays that way!!

  3. Silver Girl, that sounds horrible! You must've spent the entire day feeding him!

    Some days it sure felt that way!! The cereal in the milk helped satisfy him some... I know most doctors will tell you not to do that, but mine did, and it helped...

    By the time he was 2 1/1, he completely outgrew it... He eats like a horse now!! LOL

    Silver Girl :eek:

  4. Rachelle...

    My son, who is now 16, had major stomach problems as an infant... He spit up constantly, and did a lot of projectile vomiting... Turns out he had severe Acid Reflux and was having spasms in the muscle at the top of his stomach (I am having a brain cramp and can't remember the name of the muscle)... He also had an abnormally small stomch...

    I, too, switched from breast feeding to formula, thinking it was something I was eating... The doctor did an Upper GI Test on him, an X-Ray and an MRI... We treated it by giving him a liquid muscle relaxant and liquid Tagamet 15 minutes before he was due to eat... Then I could only give him 6 ounces at a time... If he was still hungry, I had to comfort and distract him for a least an hour or more, and start the process over again... The doctor also suggested adding Rice Cereal to his formula to make it thicker... This helped him feel more satisfied and also made it slosh less in his tummy, which helped it stay down better...

    Not sure if this is what your little guy has, but bring it up with your doctor... Maybe it will help... God bless your little guy!!

    Silver Girl : )

  5. What do you think, is any sense of exasperation on my part justified by the encounter?


    I do think this young missionary should have handled the situation better... It never hurts one (LDS, EV, Agnostic, Athiest or otherwise) to be kind and polite to others... It is simply good form to do so!! If I were the Mission President's wife (since I can't be the Presdient) I would make sure he was spoken to quite firmly, and told to clean up his act!!

    That being said, Erik, if you are upset and concerned over this, how would you feel having your pregant wife accosted by a man dressed as Satan, screaming in her face with a bullhorn that she (and her unborn child) are going to burn in Hell simply because she does not believe as HE thinks she should...??

    How about screaming that she is a "whore", throwing copies of the Bible on the ground, spitting on it, waving signs with graphic pictures on them and mocking EVERY one of your basic beliefs...?? And all this while laughing and running the video camera, so they can post the "fun" on YouTube in an effort to make you look like you are an evil cult member... But, you better not get upset!! Because you would be Un-Christian if you did, and afterall, they only do this for your own good... Because they LOVE you!!

    Do you think you would be as concerned and upset if that occured?? Or is the situation above okay since it is usually only done to the Mormons??

    What Say Ye??

    Silver Girl

  6. There is another reason that the Bishop may request a printed list of who pays and who does not pay their tithing... Some callings require a person to be a full tithe payer, for them to even be called... For instance, my husband could not be the Branch Clerk and 2nd Councellor in the Branch Presidency unless he paid a full tithe...

    The reasoning, in my opion, is twofold... First, if he pays tithing, he will have respect for the member's tithes; taking greater care in how he accounts and processes them... Secondly, if he pays a full tithe, he may be less tempted to steal those funds... Someone who has a testimony of tithing would be less inclined to steal the money entrusted to them...

    Silver Girl

  7. We live in Northern Michigan, and just started a brand new Branch in February... We started with about 20 people,meeting in our Branch President's family room... And now, 5 months later we had 47 people in Sacrament Meeting last week!! We are growing, slowly, but surely... Someday we will have a Meeting House (we now meet in a rented suite of offices)... We are excited about helping the missionaries, and have have a few investigators and inactives coming out!!

    Silver Girl

  8. that would be me! As soon as I heard that we were having chocolate pudding cake for dessert I slid in while you weren't looking! but i'll scoot over and don't have cooties do you?

    Did someone say chocolate pudding cake?? Scoot over... And, no, I don't have cooties....

    *at least I don't think so*

    Silver Girl

  9. Hey, TNT... First off, welcome to the boards!!

    I went through a somewhat similar situation 8 years ago... My Ex was never active in my Ward, so I didn't have to deal with seeing him at Church... But, in addition to my divorce being painful and tough, I needed to walk the path of repentance for a bit... I spent 18 months on Bishop's Probation (somewhat akin to Disfellowshipment)... It was a really tough time...

    But, that which does not KILL us, makes us stronger!! I was divorced for 2 years, and then met a man, who was not the man of my dreams, for I could never have dreamed up someone as wonderful as he!! We have been married for 6 years, and although times are tough right now (Hubby is looking for a job), I can honestly say, I am truely blessed and Oh, SO HAPPY!!

    My prayers to you for comfort and peace as you face this trial!!

    Silver Girl

  10. I have been paying my tithing regularly since i became active again and never miss a beat to pay it.

    Well last week my manager said he got a report saying that my timecard was not approved in time to meet the deadline for this pay period so that i would be getting the money on the next paycheck. i was very worried because this is my rent-check and i was afraid i would not have the money to pay my rent, me and i my wife were very worried.

    then today my direct deposit went through as usual with the regular amount!

    my managers were shocked because it's not technically possible.

    someone is looking out for me big time.

    Tithing is a BLESSING!!

    Thanks for sharing your story with us!!

    Silver Girl

  11. Aphrodite.. You are right... Kids can be scarey... I have 4 kids, ages 20, 19, 16 and 14... And I am usually scared outta my wits!!

    But, in between the scarey times, there are moments of joy!!

    (But being in a car with a 15 year old with a Learner's Permit, in NOT one of them!!)

    Silver Girl

  12. VOL... My prayers for you and your wallet are on the way... Good luck!!

    PS. For the nosebleeds, try getting a Q-Tip really wet and GENTLY running it around the inside of your nose a few times a day (don't insert very far)... It helped when I moved from DBQ to Provo, and experienced the same thing... Also, carry a water bottle with you everywhere, and stay well hydrated... I lost my voice within a few days because of the dryness...

    Hope that helps!!

    Silver Girl

  13. Hi, ToughGrits...

    I agree with you, we need to start teaching our kids about kindness early, or they could become teasers and bullies...

    I could hardly believe some of the things that kids said to one another on my playground... And I didn't stand for it... Kids that said and did unkind things were made to apologize and were reported to the Office, where calls were made to their parents... It was tough at first, but soon the "meanies" got the hint... My Principal said he recieved a lot of compliments from parents, whose kids felt like someone "had their back"...

    Silver Girl

  14. This seems a bit strange to me-its as if they will automatically make fun of them and you ae having to teach them not to!!

    As a Mother of 4 and former Playground Supervisor at an Elementary School, I could only suppose you have very little experience with children to have made such an interesting comment...

    Little children often make fun of those who are different from themselves in looks or behavior... They are young, and don't know any better... That is why good parents teach them not to...

    Just something to consider before you judge another's children...

    Silver Girl

  15. I would have to go with the following:

    U2: The Joshua Tree changed the history of alternative rock... And they scored HUGE again with How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb... Their music lifts rock to an art form... I will never forget the first time I heard Vertigo... Wow!! That, pared with their dedication to charitable causes, makes them ledgends!!

    Peter Gabrielle: Everything he writes pushes the envelope of rock music... He is a master of introducing something unfamiliar (ie, African chanting and a host of others surprises) and presenting them in a way that makes one wonder why it has never been done before... Shakin' The Tree and Solisbury Hill are fantastic... And In Your Eyes (as recorded on The Secret World Live Tour) is the best 12 minutes in rock music... If you want to see a spectacular show, go to your local video store and rent The Secret World Live concert... You won't regret it!! Additionally, Peter does A LOT of work promoting the music of up and coming artists!!

    Sting: The man can do it all!! He was the lead singer of one of the most influential bands of the 80's... He is constantly reinventing himself, and never afraid to take his music in a new direction... Rock, Jazz, Alternative, and ceturies old Lute music... There is nothing Sting can't do... King of Pain, Message in a Bottle, Fields of Gold, or Songs From The Labyrinth... It just doesn't matter, it is ALL good!! And, again, his work with charity makes him all the more appealing!!

    Just My Ramblings

    Silver Girl

  16. Kirby Heyborne is an actor in the "Mormon Movies"... He palyed the leading character in the "RM" and was in the missionary called to seve in Idaho in "The Singles Ward"... He also played the English Pilot behind enemy lines in "Saints and Soldiers"... Kirby is also a terrific musician, and you can sample some of his music on his My Space page...

    I have not seen the beer ad in question, but would sincerely doubt it is actually Kirby... But, you never know... If anyone finds out if it is him or not, please let us know!!

    Silver Girl

  17. I *think* I'm being made fun of.. but I'm not sure! If you want I can break out a dictionary but I don't think that's necessary.

    The impression I have is that we have a 17 year old girl being a 17 year old girl - kissing, perhaps making out with, a boyfriend she's been dating for almost a year (a record for most 17 year olds). If it's worse than that then my bad, ignore everything I've said. Otherwise, I stand by my previously stated advice with Webster's in my hand :)

    I don't think you are being made fun of...

    How do each of us define "sex"?? One person may say EVERYTHING short of actual intercourse (including oral sex) is not actually "sex".... Another person may say "heavy necking and petting" are ok, and oral sex is not...

    I don't think the other poster was making fun of you, I think they were trying to get their mind wrapped around how one has to go to make a "home run"...

    Just My .02

    Silver Girl
