Silver Girl

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Posts posted by Silver Girl

  1. Hi, Morning Star...

    I believe that the Savior expects us to serve our fellow man, but he does not expect us to put our family in harm's way...

    I know about this first hand... When I married my hubby 6 years ago, he had a foster son living with him... He had been with hubby for a couple of years, and had stayed in his home even after his 18th birthday... We both agreed that the young man should be allowed to stay after we got married....

    We were wrong... The foster son tried to harm my daughter... We were forced to make him move out, and to report it to the police... We endured months of rumors and lies being told about us and our daughter, as this young man tried to cover his tracks... We had to go to 3 court hearings as he tried to convice a judge and a court apoointed psychologist, that he was innocent, and my 13 year old was the instigator... He basically told the judge that my daughter tried to rape him... When the judge didn't buy it, he finally plead guilty to a lesser charge... After dragging us through hell for 8 months....

    Looking back, Hubby and I can see signs that we didn't see, or misinterpreted back then... And we have paid a heavy price for it... If you have concerns before the guy even comes into your home, that cannot be good....

    We have never allowed another person to stay in our home again....

    Just my 2 cents (from a loving Sister in the Gospel)

    Silver Girl

  2. I was married to my first hubby for 12 agonizing years... He was an alcoholic and drug user, abusive, and unrepentant adulterer and semi-anti-church... Our relationship was a disaster... The only good that has come out of it is 4 great kids, and my resolve to never let anyone abuse me again... I spent almost 3 years single, and in therapy/rape councelling...

    I met my new hubby 6 years ago, and he is the most wonderful man I have ever had the fourtune to meet... He is my rock, my everything!! He is an active Preisthood holder, a terrific hubby and a spectacular Father... He and I got married in March of 2002, we were Sealed in the Temple in October of 2002, and he adopted my kids in December of 2003... We have had many trials, but we are more in love, and more committed than the day we married...

    "Happily Ever After" is possible... It takes a LOT of work, but it is possible!!

    My 2 Cents!!

    Silver Girl

  3. Here's what I would like to see come back...

    When you are looking at the list of "New Posts", there used to be a link that said "last post"... It would take you directly to the last post for that thread... I liked that very much...

    I have to say, I was not too happy when I logged in the other day and found everything changed... (I don't handle change well sometimes)... And I had trouble getting my password to work... But, I have to admit, it is getting a little easier to navigate now.... Learning a new trick every time I log in...

    Thanks for all the work you administrators are doing!!

    Silver Girl

  4. I think this will be my last post on the subject. This thread has become a little preachy. It's no longer interpretation of the Word of Wisdom and clarification of what the position of the prophets are.

    The position of the prophets?? No Alcohol... None, Nada... Nope... Just don't do it!! Can that be any simpler??

    It seems people have no sense of moderation - a limit which is set for each individual person.

    A limit for each individual person?? Why...?? You don't need an individualized limit if the limit is NONE....

    Just a thought,

    Silver Girl :blink:

  5. Well everyone's suggestions just lead me to the same conclusion: The Church asks too much of it's members. As such it's one of the many reasons I do not wish to join the Church but instead will probably go to another Church.

    I am sad about your decision to leave the Church behind, but I do understand it and think it is very wise...

    If you think the Church expects too much of you, you are probably right... It is too much for YOU...

    If you were to join with these feelings in your heart, you would always resent the Church and it's teachings... You would always look at all the "Rules" and "Thou Shall Nots" instead of looking at all the blessings, and the real freedoms living the Gospel of Jesus Christ can bring... Simply put, you would be an "Anti/Ex-Mormon In The Making"...

    If the time ever comes that you can find joy and happiness in living the precepts this Church teaches, instead of looking at all the "stuff you gotta do and really don't wanna", then you will be ready to make a committment... Until then, I think you are making the right decision for you...

    I wish you peace, My Friend,

    Silver Girl

  6. Courtney...

    I always wanted to play the flute... couldn't manage it for some reason... but it is a favorite. I like the slow, deep, ethereal melodies.

    Garden Girl

    Me too!! In fact, my Hubby bought me a flute for Christmas, and in January, I am going to take Flute lessons!! A young lady from the local High School is going to teach me!! My goal is to be able to play a Christmas Carol at Chruch next year!!

    Hoping to be the female James Gallway (though I doubt there is ANY chance of that!!)

    Silver Girl

  7. I have to wonder too about people who want to be bishop. Do they want people to look up to them? Do they think they would do a better job than their current bishop? Do they think it means they're righteous if they get called? If they do get called, they're in for a rude awakening. When a friend of mine moved back to Utah, there was all this speculation about who the new bishop would be. Several of the women in the ward were sure it would be their husbands. When he was called, these women were angry and when they had a YW activity, they didn't invite him. He showed up anyway and they chewed him out for coming. They were released the next Sunday. Out of all the bishops I've had, I can't think of one who wasn't humble.

    I have had many Bishops in my life, and out of ALL of them, I can only think of 3 that I would say were "bad"... And I thnk they were called to, hopefully, teach them something... And to test and try the Ward!! LOL

    Overall, the men that have served in my Wards have been GREAT!! My current Bishop os one of the best ment I know!!

    Silver Girl

  8. we are not BURIED but last night we got rain and the temperatures dropped overnight so the roads are real icy which is why we had no school!!! :) yea!! im guessing you dont have school today either??

    Actually, much to my 2 son's dismay, it stopped snowing around 1 or 2 in the morning, and they had time to plow the roads... They had school today!! They were not amused!!

    I, on the other hand, laughed!!

    Silver Girl


  9. yea i am from the northern lower peninsula!! :)

    Well, you dad offers a lot to this board, and we have been pleased to get to know him... Come in and make yourself at hime!!

    Silver Girl

    PS. Are you guys buried in snow?? We got 12 inches or more in the last 2 days... It is sunny here this morning, but COLD!!

    The snow is blowing around and it is pretty, like living in a snow globe.... Well, it is pretty from inside!!

  10. hello to all of you! im new on here and its hard to follow the convos when im not involved!! if i knew you it would be easier to talk!! introduce yourself!!!


    Hi Alana....

    Welcome to the boards from the Great White North of the great and beautiful Upper Peninsula... Are you a Yooper or a Troll (meaning one who lives beneath the bridge... LOL).

    Where are you from?? In the Soo here.....

    Silver Girl

  11. Hi, Cherisa...

    Another thing...

    I just mentioned your situation to my Hubby (who is a convert of 6 years), and he suggested you go out to and cruise that site... It is basically "the Gospel for beginners"... He loves that site, and found alot of practical information there!! It has a lot of "question and answer" type info.... You can even chat online with a missionary or call them on the phone... It also has a glossary to help you understand "MormonSpeak" (meaning all the words like Bishop, that you may not know all about yet!!)...

    Hope this helps some!!

    Silver Girl

  12. I have learned about the clergy not being paid and I think it is wonderful. Do you think that the people in my branch could help me locate a bishop(I have no idea where they are kept)I know every one in the branch as brother sister Elder or president. I am sure that I will learn all of these things as time progresses but I would still like to know more of the basics. I think that the missionaries who I have spoken with are supposed to get me to convert but they focus on those things completely and leave out church doctrine (i know that a lot of it should be learned from scripture) and I am always scared that I am doing something wrong every day because I just dont know and I also get surprised by things I read on sites like this. I go to my neighbors house and she will sit and talk to me for as long as she can to try to explain things but I dont think she knows what to tell me about the divorce either. Do I need to wait until I am a member to be able to speak with a bishop?

    Hi, Cherisa...

    First of all, welcome to the board... I hope you find help and support here...

    Secondly, if you are in a Branch, rather than a Ward, you won't have a Bishop... You will have a Branch President... A Ward is a congregation that has more members... A Ward is what a Branch wants to be when it grows up!! LOL So, the Branch President basically functions in the same way a Bishop does, only his congregation is smaller... Go talk to your Branch President, and he can help you!! If you don't know who he is, ask the Missionaries or a member of the Branch... And no, you don' have to be a member to speak with him!!

    Hope this helps!!

    Silver Girl

  13. What I hate is that I'm supposed to teach in elder's quorum tomorrow and I don't know if I can. I don't even know if I can finish writing the lesson I'm just so upset right now. I know I just have a decoy calling anyway cause they don't want me doing anything else. I think they should consider having a separate ward for converts and first gen members and a different ward for people in the bloodline and 2nd gen & on. Sorry for the rant. Anyway, I already contacted the secretaries of the bishop and stake presidents to try to get appointments to voice my concerns, I hope it all works out. Anymore advice you guys have would be appreciated.

    My only other adbice is to stand tall knowing you are a son of your Father, and He loves you!! He will help you!!

    All My Best!!

    Silver Girl

  14. On my way home from work today I called the phone number the church headquarters gave me for my new bishop. I've tried to call a couple of times before but always got the answering machine. Well this time he answered. He seems like a very nice person. I told him who I was and that I had been inactive for about 10 years and was ready to come back to church. He was so happy to hear from me and I gave him all of my information that he needed to obtain my records from the church. I am definitely going tomorrow morning. Sacrament meeting starts at 9:00AM and my husband said he'd go with me.

    I also told him where I lived and he mentioned that there are several members in the ward who live in my town! And one couple he mentioned I already know but never knew they were LDS! How cool is that? :)He also asked if I would have some time to meet with him after Sacrament meeting to discuss some things. I am sure he is going to want to know why I left and why I am returning. But for some reason I am not nervous about it anymore. I am ready and excited for tomorrow!

    Good luck tomorrow, Courtney!! I hope your return this week is the first Sunday of many!! May God bless you and your family, and keep you in His cinstant care!! I will be thinking about you!!

    Silver Girl

  15. Hi, BJW...


    Our current Ward has been REALLY hard!! From the very first Sunday, we have been hurt so badly, that we were considering going to Sacrament Meeting only (since we made a promise to HF that we would always do so) and then skipping the last 2 meetings and holding our own Sunday School lessons at home with our sons... We even thought about not attending Sacrament Meeting, and having "Church" at home every other week, and then driving 1 hour 45 minutes to the nearest Ward on the other weeks... But, we couldn't afford to drive every week, and in the winter the roads here are BAD...

    But, we have stuck with it, and we have had a change in Leadership that has REALLY helped.... Our new Bishop is great!! We love him and he loves us!! He and his wife are our good friends!!

    But the other thing my hubby and I have tried to do is to ignore the unkind things said by people who want to hurt our feelings... We TRY to focus on those people that have been kind to us and who allow us to be kind to them... We have made some great friendships this way!! We also try to remember that HF and Jesus know what is in our hearts!!

    There are about 5 people in our Ward that we are civil to, and nothing more... We do not approach them, or strike up a conversation with them, but by the same token, we do not avoid them in the hall, or refuse to speak with them... We are civl, nothing more or less... These are people who have said the most vicious things to and about us... (ie, We are the worst thing that ever happened to this Ward and they would be better off without us.. We should "go back to Utah where we belong"... We are "instigators" and "trouble makers".... We are terrible members of the Church and terrible parents... We are serving too well in our callings only so we can make others look bad, and we are trying to "show off before men"...)

    BJW... I hope you can find some kind people to love you... Start by loving them... Then TRY to let the slights go... IT IS HARD... I KNOW!! Make it a matter of prayer... The Savior will help you!!

    Take Care, and I will pray for you!!

    Silver Girl ;)

  16. Thanks, I look forward to it.I love the midwest! I look forward to getting to know you.

    Welcome to the boards, Drew... You should find the atmosphere here a bit more relaxed!! We look forward to hearing for you...

    Silver Gril (from the Great White North og Michigan)

  17. I'll split the difference, CLASSIC ROCK AND ROLL! AEROSMITH, BON JOVI, SANTANA, WHITE SNAKE, ooops....I'm showing my age/rebelliousness.

    Berber carpeting or area rugs?

    Berber carpets... Area rugs are not enough to keep the floors warm up here in the great white north....

    TV News or Newapaper??