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Posts posted by dotyaaron

  1. Several of my friends have had problems with their husbands refusing them blessings and it turns out later that they were having worthiness issues and didn't want to give a blessing unworthily, but didn't want their wives to know that they had done.

    For a woman whose husband drags his feet about giving her or their children a blessing, what do you suggest? A friend of mine recently wanted a blessing and her husband wouldn't do it. He didn't decide to do it until she said she was going to ask someone else. She thinks he decided to do it because he didn't want the men to know that he had a problem. She very strongly suspects that he has a porn problem and after he gave her the blessing, she wasn't sure it was inspired.

    As a wife, I wouldn't want my husband to feel pressured into giving me one, but if I need a blessing, I deserve to have access to the priesthood. If a man has a worthiness issue, he will do pretty much anything to cover his sin if he thinks his wife will leave him. How does a woman approach this issue without making him feel like now he absolutely has to give her a blessing? Should she just go somewhere else without telling him?

    Our bishop came to talk to Relief Society about priesthood issues recently, and I brought this up. I mentioned how my friend's husband wouldn't bless their daughter. He kept saying, "Nah. She'll be OK." It turned out, she had a kidney infection. I said to the bishop, "If women had the priesthood - I'm not saying I want them to, but if we did, there is nothing that would stop us from blessing our children or making sure they received a blessing." One sister said that men are just different that way when I asked, "And why doesn't it ever seem like it's even the dad's idea to give their own child a blessing?" Maybe it's the tendency that dads have to teach their kids to just grin and bear it? I don't know.

    The bishop said maybe we should have a combined meeting about this and emphasize to priesthood holders how much we rely on them. We can't afford for them to be unworthy when we desperately need them. According to our stake president, over 50% of the men in our stake are addicted to pornography. At least :(

    Morning Star, I am sorry to hear that 50% of your Elders and Preists, and High Priests are addicted to porn. Satan is defenitely running rampant and focusing directly on LDS men. He knows that the family is key to our Fatthers plan and if he can break that apart then he's won. By using men he can very easily break apart a family or stop their progression by getting the father to sin.

    First off I would encourage the father to talk to the bishop. Let your husband know you love him and that he doesn't need to worry about telling you until he's ready or at all. Sisters, let your husbands work out their problem(s) w/ the Bishop, if necessary to tell you what he's done, he'll come to you when the time is right. Sisters, you can also assure him that nothing he's done would cuase you to leave him except infidelity (and that's your choice, you may choose to tell him that even infidelity won't cause a divorce. That's your choice on how much you want to forgive that kind of sin). If you tell him you're not leaving and you're here through thick and thin he'll pick up the phone and make the neccessary appointment ASAP. If he thinks he'll be in trouble, he'll drag his feet if at all. So I say to you sisters, support and reinforce your husbands and you wont have so much of unworthiness all around.

    Then if you need a blessing, and you have done the above, he should have no problem if you get a blessing somewhere else. (Just my 2 cents):)

  2. I am a recently called 2nd counselor in the EQ presidency in our ward. One of the first things we are trying to do is to go visit inactive and less-active members. However, I am really uncomfortable going to people's houses and stricking up conversation about the church. I am a convert (got baptised when I was 29) and never served a mission so I never got that kind of experience. I just don't know how to approach these people. I don't want to look like a dork and say something lame. If anyone can give me some suggestions how to get over my "fear" I would greatly appreciate it.


    Steve, First of all you're not there to sell. You're there to invite and fellowshhip. Start off by talking about anything but the church. Then when everyone is comfortable, ask them if they would like to come out or leave by saying "Well we'd like to let you know what time church is in case you'd like to meet me there. It's at 9 am over on 12345 Anywhere street. Do you know where that's at? Good. Maybe we'll see you there."

    Remember, don't make it hard and be yourself. (I never went on a mission and that always works for me. I have been in the EQ twice now and am a Ward Missionary for the 2nd time.)