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Posts posted by AmyL

  1. So thrilled for you!!! To qoute my father-in-law "It will be the first day of the rest of your life!" and he was right. He said that on my baptism day almost a year ago and this year has been one of the best. Blessings are coming you way!

  2. I love the Redlands CA temple! I was able to go to the open house with my boyfriend (now husband), in-laws, and my parents. My parents are not members (and I wasn't at the time) and were able to see the sealing room and experience what it was like. My husband and I hope to be sealed in the Redlands temple at the end of the year since my parents were able to experience the temple with us.

  3. I am so happy to hear about all the wonderful things that are going on in your life Alicia! Marriage and Baptism in one can't top that! I am a recent convert and being baptized is one of the greatest events in my life. Don't worry about your family, they will come around. Just keep your head up and be a wonderful example to your children. Congrats!!!

  4. My answer to my prayer was very simple, but it drew on something I had always felt to be true. I attended a Christian pre-school and learned the song "I know Jesus loves me because the Bible tells me so." I hadn't heard or thought of that song in years. The day after I prayed I couldn't get that song out of my head and kept singing it. I know that the Lord was drawing on my past experience to tell me that the BOM was true. Just remember to always listen to the still, small voice...if I hadn't I would still be wandering...

  5. Those ideas really make you think about the wonderful things that the Lord does for us. The world take many things for granted. I have noticed lately that I have started thanking Heavenly Father for alot of the small things in my make me happier and lets Him know that I am grateful.