Dr. Mom

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Posts posted by Dr. Mom

  1. bjw, check out http://www.lds.org/institutes to see if you have institute classes in your area - it would be a great idea for an institute class.

    Please be very careful in what you think should be taught in church on Sunday. ANYTHING that could give way to anti literature is discouraged for very wise reasons. As it is, there are times the bishop pulls speakers off the podium as well as from Sunday School because things go too far.

  2. It's not overstepping anyone's authority. It's the authority to act in God's name, you cannot overstep Him. Our men here are taught to give people what they need and to never deny a blessing. It is not uncommon for someone to show up at my house for a blessing from my husband. No one should feel ashamed for asking for a blessing...ever.

  3. What I hate is that I'm supposed to teach in elder's quorum tomorrow and I don't know if I can. I don't even know if I can finish writing the lesson I'm just so upset right now. I know I just have a decoy calling anyway cause they don't want me doing anything else. I think they should consider having a separate ward for converts and first gen members and a different ward for people in the bloodline and 2nd gen & on. Sorry for the rant. Anyway, I already contacted the secretaries of the bishop and stake presidents to try to get appointments to voice my concerns, I hope it all works out. Anymore advice you guys have would be appreciated.

    Whoa....WAIT! Teaching EQ is NOT a decoy calling. Do you realize the potential here??? YOU influence the males of almost every household in the ward. Now, doilie-straightener or hymn book passer outer....THOSE are decoy callings. ;) You were called for a reason, find that reason and pour your heart into it!
  4. Howdy! Sorry to hear you're having problems with the new leadership. I was once in the same situation- I felt the ward didn't want me there and pretty much ignored us. I felt as if we were being "ganged up on" for everything. Unfortunately, this led us to going inactive because we were told SLC would not allow us to switch wards. In looking back, that ward was not entirely to blame for what was going on. My own attitude played into things more than I thought it did. It took us moving to a new part of town, me swallowing my pride, and facing problems head on to not let that happen again. I know for a fact SLC rarely, if ever, allows someone to attend another ward simply because of hurt feelings.

    In all fairness, we are all at different maturity levels both emotionally and spiritually. You also need to understand that a bishop is still a human and still vulnerable to make mistakes. However, the mantle of a bishop is something unique and genuine. If you confuse the 2 you will indeed lose the essence of the meaning of the calling. Some bishops are called to improve themselves and some are called to strengthen a ward. It's not up to us to decide why he is called, we are to support him in full faith and gain a testimony of his mantle. God does not make mistakes.

    I know moving may not be an option for you. What I would recommend doing, however, is humbling yourself to serving your neighbors with unconditional love. Once you have mastered the concept (not the entirety) of Christlike love you will find your situation at church will change, not to mention your outlook on who you are as well. All in all this is a test and you can rise above it all. Think about it this way, you are going to church for you- not your Grandmother, not your bishop, not his wife...just YOU. If you base your entire salvation on your perceptions of one ward then you have dammed yourself into a hell that only Satan can be proud of. You are better than this, I pray you can see that.

  5. If I understand Mormon teachings correctly then there are three levels of heaven.

    My question is this: If I don't know what it feels like to be in the highest kingdom why bother trying to get there? I would settle with the lowest kingdom as long as I don't end up in whatever hell Mormons believe in. Coming in second place is better than nothing.

    While on the subject of hell why don't Mormons believe in an actuall lake of hellfire? The NT talks about it all the time...


    None of us remember what it was like to live with our Father in Heaven. That doesn't make the goal of returning to Him any less viable or appropriate. Life isn't a race with second place, it's an endurance marathon that must be taught to us. You said you'd settle with the lowest kingdom as long as you don't end up in whatever hell Mormons believe in. Could it be you also believe in the same hell? Why else would it matter to you?

  6. So I've heard that after you get your endowments in the Temple you are given special clothes and a special name. The name I can live with but do you really need to wear the garments all the time? I find this practice - if true - something I will not be able to live with.

    So you have a curious question, which means you aren't asking to learn you are asking to satisfy a curiosity. Curiosities are part of the mortal experience. The covenants in the temple are of spiritual nature. Once you're ready to seperate the two you'll be able to understand the temple experience. Until then, please respect those of us who have been to the temple.
  7. You guys know that the statue of Moroni faces west on the temple in Hawaii right? I've always wondered why...

    Laie has no Moroni, so you're talking about Kona. You know it COULD be that because it's so far off in the ocean that it would make sense for it face west because Jerusalem is closer that route.
  8. I'm DrewM. I posted regularly for nearly three years over at MA&DB until recently when I ticked one of the mods of. I'm hoping to get more cordial and fair treatment over here.

    I'm LDS. I'm 25. Currently at the Y working on a MA in Spanish. Served my mission in Cordoba, Argentina. Look forward to posting around here.

    Hi, Drew!

    Welcome to the board. Feel free to get to know us by clicking on profiles. Glad to have a Cougar around!

  9. Could you expound on this Doctor Mom? What is one evidence you have been given concerning Christ's gospel that gives you a strong knowledge? I am curious and love to hear how other people know.

    I'm not sure I should be posting that sort of thing on here. It's very personal and not just for anyone to read and determine the validity of it. I'd love to share and maybe the time would be right some day to do just that. Until then, just know that I would never be so absolute about something that was not worthy of the assurance.
  10. That might not go over too well for first dates. He might be taken as the "I want to marry you after I've known you for two months" type. :) It's a long story, but I went on a first (and last) date with this guy in Provo and it was a nightmare. He kept insisting on holding my hand and he took me for a walk by the temple, then later he told me, "You don't know it yet, but you have a boyfriend." Ack! He tried to imply that we knew each other in the preexistence. I've never seen so many red flags in one night.

    Also, when you meet someone at church, that's one thing you know about them. It's good to see them in other scenarios. I think playing board games is a great way to see how competitive they are, if they're a sore loser, and I definitely recommend seeing how they behave in situations where they should be helping out, like if you make them dinner, do they help clean up? I have so many friends who were shocked by how little their husbands helped out when they got married.

    I beg to differ. I met my husband at a young adult beach party. We dated 3 times over 10 days and got engaged. I knew he was the one from our first date and he knew it, too. 3 months later we married in the LA Temple. We've been married 17 wonderful years and I regret none of them. Our dates were simple- we canoed, we did a picnic, and we watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail (an eternal fav. of ours!). Always remember KISMIF- Keep It Simple, Make It Fun. Perhaps group date at first until you are certain you want to be serious.
  11. I don't know if this has been done before in this forum, but I wanted to start a thread on this topic. How do you know the fullness of Jesus Christ's gospel is contained in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?

    There are many reasons I continue to believe the fullness of Jesus Christ's gospel is contained in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

    I know the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants and Pearl of Great Price to be the true words of God. The Lord has shown me Joseph Smith talked with Him in the year 1820.

    Also, on April 3, 1836, there was a divine outpouring in Kirtland, Ohio. I truly believe all that is recorded in Doctrine and Covenants section 110. Jesus Christ himself first appeared. Then Moses, Elias then Elijah appeared. Each of these ancient prophets appeared and commit their keys and dispensations to modern day prophets.

    As modern day General Conference happens, I know the words spoken are truth and what Heavenly Father would have us hear.

    There are many other points of why I believe, but what I have listed are only a few. Feel free to share the knowledge the Lord has given you if you desire.

    I hope this is taken in the context it is meant. I don't believe, I know. There cannot be a simpler way to say it nor can there be a more definitive means of expressing it. I know the gospel of Jesus Christ is here on the earth and I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints is the only true church. I have seen with my own eyes, felt with my own hands and have been taught in my own heart the truthfulness of the gospel. I could never deny it.

  12. Fire place.

    Toasted or normal marshmallows.

    (By the way Dr mom it's fun to hear kids killing each other.We do it all the time :) )

    regular marshmellows...I always seem to charcoal them when I attempt to roast them.

    ice skating or roller skating?

  13. Ditto....she'd kick my butt. She's a good one for body slamming me when I'm on her side. She don't take no crap. :unsure: I trained her well!!! :)

    When she makes roast beef w/ all the carrots and potatoes I know I'm being thought of.


    My hubby finds where I've parked the car/motorcycle/truck in the various lots and decorates the living daylights out of it. I love it because I know Godiva's waiting for me at home. I write little "luv ya's" on the mirror in the bathroom, so when he takes his shower the message comes thru and he sees it. We've also been remodelling the house and he shows me he loves me when he takes my ideas and uses them.....vice versa. For those of you who are local, you'll have to see our house when we're done.
  14. I myself might have given myself this advice a year ago, I understand where you are coming from. If you didn't read my first original post perhaps you didn't see that this is something I've secretly struggled with my entire life. My entire life. I have read the scriptures, prayed, hoped, had my ups and downs with faith, paid my tithing, gone to church, fulfilled my callings, fasted, counseled. Last Friday I let my doubt out and that act alone let me face my fears. By Sunday I had decided to leave the church and Monday started researching what you would call "anti" materials. Don't blame anti-mormon material for my departure. And please don't think I took this lightly. It was the biggest decision I have ever made. Thank you for your concern, I do appreciate it.


    So why should we continue to discuss this? If your mind is already made up why are you continuing to rationalize and explain yourself. If you truly had your answer you would not be doing this. In my opinion, this is all for attention. I refuse to be a part of it any further.

  15. I think we'd all prefer if you backed up your statements from teachings of the church. Or if not based on teachings on the church, tell us what they are based on. What did you think of my previous post? There's no problem with any man, woman, or child offering a standard prayer to ask for blessings.


    I seem to remember a conference talk about the prayer of a mother being very powerful. I'll have to look it up, it was very good!

  16. He shouldn't, but probably will. Or maybe the other way around. Maybe you'll be shunned. My wife, who works, doesn't feel like she "fits in" in our new ward because 99% of the Relief Society are stay at home Mom's. It's sad, but it happens.

    My husband is SUPER DAD. I am carrying 21 credits in pre-med and he works from home and helps TREMENDOUSLY with the kids. Nothing wrong with it at all. I think if you are able to keep the commandments and be temple worthy, who should care which one of you works and which one stays home? That's like being picky over which night is best for sex....NOT OUR BUSINESS!
  17. I don't think I've ever had Morphine. I think I had demerol by IV after my gall bladder surgery and I remember it burned going in. Then they sent me home with Annexia and I puked my guts out. It was New Year's Eve and we couldn't get a hold of my doctor. I told him I was allergic to Codeine and later I found out Annexia is a derivative of Codeine. I had terrible pain from the gas they pumped into me when I got home and the doctor told my mom to give me two of my pain pills and then give it to me every four hours instead of every six or however long it was. By evening I had a rash over my entire body and a threw-up so much, my mom slept on the floor next to me and it didn't end until 5am. I was so mad. I don't think there are any strong medications I can take without getting sick, at least the ones I take by mouth. I prefer no pain meds since there's always some lame side effect.

    hard wood floors or tile?

    wow, star......dramatic lil thang, aren't ya? (kidding!) hardwood floors, we just put in brazilian teak- LOVE IT!

    HUGE knock-out wedding reception or quaint and cozy family affair?

  18. I'll say Quantum Physics ???

    Watered down milk or watered down juice hospital food yum yum


    fish......You're cruising, sir.

    I'll say watered down juice because then I can pretend I'm 3 years old.

    Ahhhhh here's one: Morphine or demerol?

  19. chicken

    white meat or dark


    It depends....if it's the food they've been tryign to feed me I'll opt out all together. But given this is probably for Thanksgiving, I crave white meat.

    Organic Chemistry or Quantum Physics? (Both of which I am missing! grrrrrr)

  20. For the record, I'm too young to remember any of that firsthand. When Neil Armstrong was walking on the moon, I was making an equally precarious (and graceful) journey across my parent's living room.

    Nonetheless, I grew up on the music and especially the values- who says growing up in a small, backwater town is a bad thing?

    The first record I wore out was Bill Haley and the Comets- Rock Around the Clock- and IIRC, the flip-side (explain that to anyone under 35!) was Rockin' Robin.

    And swing-dancing is on the upswing (yes, bad pun). My sixteen, and eighteen year olds both swing dance with their beau's)- though I keep the shotgun handy.

    As I've explained to the boys on more than one occasion- "I AM The Law."

    And, just in case, I'm on good working terms with every Marine recruiter west of the Mississippi River.

    ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do you sound eerily familiar??? Someone in my stake says the exact same things as you.....hmmm

  21. "This makes it dangerous for me to listen to authority figures who tell me to continue trying to believe and wait for a confirmation. Could not any leader in any church on the face of this earch tell me the exact same thing? I don't want to force myself into a faith based on nothing."

    Ouch, Searcher. I have never heard of anyone not getting the confirmation they are seeking, especially if they really want it. You said nothing else is happening in your life and that's fine. But I really think you need to look deep inside and find out if you have been given your answer(s). I think sometimes, myself included, the answers were always there. We just needed to humble ourselves to understand what was there. You may not get visiting angels, a burning in your bosom, or even a tingling from within- everyone's experiences with the Spirit are different. It saddens me that you served your entire mission and did not get the testimony you were looking for. Again, this tells me something else is amiss. God answers all- not just certain people He feels should get the answers. When you want to come to terms with what it is I'm sure you'll have the support you need to make it through. I won't argue with you or debate over what's going on. I know God lives and I know He answers prayers. I pray you'll be able to know this as well.