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Alvarado's Achievements

  1. I think you don't have a clear definition of what faith is . Faith does not mean you keep a belief if it does not grow . Blind faith is not good . Faith in things that are true will produce fruits. A non-religious example of what faith is. I believed I could repair my head gasket on my car. I had seen it done ,I have the tools ,I have the manual I exercized my faith by acting on this belief. I could not .I was able to take it apart but was never able to put it back together . I put my faith in things that were not true. A while back my computor crashed. I believed that I was inteligent enough to read and learn how to fix it . I acted on that belief. The moment you act, it ceases to be a belief and becomes an act of faith. I read and learned and over time I learned and repaired it . In James 2:20-24 It teaches about faith and action. Applied in religion we act on what we learn in church or in the scriptures , if it produces fruit then it was true and our faith grows and so does our belief. Alvarado
  2. I think you are going about this wrong. The problem I see is lack of faith. You can not believe in some thing you can not see or feel or hear with out faith. God will not interfere with your free will. So He will not make you believe in him by showing you some Miracle or event causing you to believe . You must decide thatGod does exist and live your life as such showing your faith in him. Once you do that the evidence you seek will come. That is why we ask people to read scripture. It is a form of exercising faith. If you take the time to read as if it really is God's word because you decided it is ,it will come alive and change your world. When you go to the Temple and decide before you go in that it is God's holy place ,your experience there will be awesome. In Moroni's promise ,it asks you to ask if it is not true , implying that you have already decided that it is true and you will receive an answer. So exercise your faith deciding God is real and is able and wanting to help you and you life will change. Alvarado p.s. I read your post on the other board at 11 pm and had to go to bed to get up at 5 am for an early church meeting. I tossed and turned for two hours .I could not get any sleep with you a return-missionary not believing in God. So here I am .I hope I can get some sleep now . If you read this tonight pray for me to know that you got something out of my post get some sleep. Just so you know I am a 54 year old man living in South Texas. Thanks