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Posts posted by MormonMama

  1. DH and I have a friend whose sister just had a baby last night. Unfortunately, the mother's body was unable to produce enough amniotic fluid so the baby's lungs did not develop right, and she died this morning. Their whole family is just devastated. Could you guys please add them to your prayers? I know they would appreciate prayers of comfort and healing. They are not LDS, but of very strong faith.

  2. Patriarch Eldred G. Smith has passed away at the age of 106.

    I'm curious though. It's said he was the "final of seven patriarchs to the church in general." What does this mean? Is a patriarch in this capacity not the same as the patriarchs who give patriarchal blessings?

  3. Wednesday I dropped our baby off at the babysitters and got in my car to go to work. It started, then immediately died and wouldn't start again. I had to get a ride to work. Turns out it's the fuel pump. As of Wednesday, DH and I had not had a paycheck since the end of January (he's been off with his shoulder, me on maternity leave). We were literally down to our last $100.

    Yet many blessings have occurred for us in the days since. DH got his first paycheck the next day and it was about $300 more than we were expecting. I immediately paid tithing on it and the blessings started really rolling in.

    All day yesterday I was worried about the car, yet at the same time I kept feeling a sense of peace and a quiet voice in my head told me that it would all work out. Later that day my mom called me. A friend of hers recommended a mechanic she has used for years and luckily enough he lives not even a mile from where my car died, so he was able to use his truck to tow it to his home for free. The fuel pump we need is WAY cheaper than we were expecting and this guy will do the work for hundreds of dollars less than a garage would charge us. The car should be up and running in a few days.

    Today we received several refund checks totaling about $75.00 from our insurance company for some over charges. We also found out today that we have received a considerable amount in food stamps with another good chunk coming at the beginning of April (I've been trying to get some state assistance since DH and I both went off work back at the beginning of January!). That frees up grocery money for the next few months, money we can use to pay other bills as well as help us get through the lean summer months when our work hours drop (we're school bus drivers).

    It has been an amazing two days! I truly believe that the Lord is blessing us for having faith in Him and paying our tithing, even though the money we paid would have covered the cost of the fuel pump. He provided for us in other ways and we are incredibly grateful!

  4. We have really been whalloped financially the past couple of months.

    DH and I have both been off work unpaid, him with a broken/dislocated shoulder and me on maternity leave. I was supposed to get short-term disability payments, but because I had my first prenatal exam two weeks before the benefits went into effect, they denied me.

    Then, because we have no income at all and can't pay the premiums, all of our benefits were canceled as of March 1st. We now have no life insurance, no dental, vision, etc. Thankfully, DH has VA benefits and my daughters and I are currently on state medical, so we at least have medical coverage. Thank goodness we got a small tax refund to help carry us through until we start getting paid again!

    DH is finally supposed to go back to work on Wednesday, March 6th. However, he has to pass a physical fitness test that day before they will accept him back, and we're a little concerned that he will have trouble lifting and dragging the required 30lb weight. His shoulder is doing a lot better, but he still has quite a bit of pain and stiffness and his physical therapist said he will likely feel that for several months. Clearly, he cannot be off work for several months, so he's going to have to "work through it", which his physical therapist recommended he do anyway (to help loosen and strengthen the muscle).

    So please just pray that he can handle the physical fitness test so that he can go back to work. I won't be going back until March 25th, mostly because there will be no money for daycare until DH is working again. He's been going absolutely stir crazy and really wants to go back to work!

  5. Just wanted to say thank you for the prayers everyone! My beautiful daughter came on 1/23. My doctor stripped the membranes on my bag of waters that day and 1/2 an hour later I started having really strong, close contractions.

    We named her Isabelle (we like to call her Belle, after the Disney princess). She weighed in at 7lbs 8oz and 21 inches long, my biggest baby ever (though she sure doesn't seem that big)! She is perfect and healthy and I'm feeling great, even in spite of getting only 5 hours of sleep a night, lol!

  6. Sexual feeling is not nasty. Sexual feeling is wonderful. It's a gift from God.

    I wanted to say this as well. These feelings are normal and not nasty, but they also must be bridled and kept in check for their proper time and place.

    Everyone has different challenges in life, and this is one of yours. Some challenges are more difficult to overcome than others and in some cases we may face a challenge that is simply too hard for us to overcome on our own. Sexual sin is one of those challenges for many, many people. You are not alone in this. I'd be willing to bet that quite a few of us on this board have had some issue with sexual sin at one point or another and needed to see our bishop because of it.

    Please see your bishop ASAP. He is there to help you and I can almost guarantee you that you will not be the first person in the ward to go to him about a sexual sin. Let him help you become free of this. I know you are afraid, but he is your friend in this. I don't know what the protocol is for this, but perhaps you would be allowed to take a trusted female with you, perhaps your Relief Society President or a family member?

    Good luck! God loves you and wants you to overcome this. He will not give up on you, even when you slide backwards sometimes. Always try, try again!

  7. I would just like to second what another poster said about being completely honest with your parents. I definitely don't think that sneaking behind their back about the Church is a good idea. All that will do is further convince them that the Church is a sneaky, secretive organization that wants to split you from them.

    It can be hard to be honest and upfront with your parents when you know they oppose what you believe in, especially when you rely on them for something as basic as a place to live. My parents, especially my mother, were absolutely furious when I joined the Church. They wouldn't come to my baptism. I didn't live at home at the time, but I did have to move home later due to a divorce and my mother made it clear that she did not want anyone from Church over to the house. She tried to guilt-trip me into not paying tithing. She DID come to her grandchildren's baptisms, but made it very clear to me that she did not approve.

    I don't see my parents ever joining the Church, but at least they no longer give me a hard time about my own membership. My mother has even admitted that she likes the fact that the Church has helped out my family at times we have had difficulty, but that's pretty much all she likes about it. It took her years even to admit that.

    Show an increase in love towards your parents, do MORE around the house to help them out, but also lovingly stand your ground in regards to your conversion and baptism. If they do end up kicking you out, talk to the missionaries or your local bishop and see if they know of anyone who could take you in as a roommate. It does happen. Continue to show love to your parents even if this happens.

    And good luck!

  8. Thanks guys. I have another doctor appointment tomorrow, so we'll see what the doctor has to say. With my history of preterm labor, I never thought I'd be talking to my doctor about the possibility of going overdue!

    Last night was just horrible. I think I got 2 hours of sleep. I have been in so much pain and discomfort (not contractions, just from the weight of the baby against my ribs, lungs, etc.). The pain gets so bad sometimes the doctor actually said I could take Vicodin to combat it and so I could sleep. I don't want to get hooked on meds though.

    I can't even imagine what women carrying multiples go through! Thank goodness I only have one in there!

  9. I hope this doesn't sound petty, but I would really like prayers that my baby comes ASAP. I'm 39 weeks now and I have been so incredibly uncomfortable the past several weeks. I can't sleep at night so I'm always exhausted, I'm having a lot of back pain due to a back injury years ago and I just want this to be over with.

    I am grateful to make it to full term, since I have a history of preterm labor (I lost one baby at 14 weeks because it just died, had my oldest daughter at 30 weeks, my second daughter at 35 weeks and spent 17 weeks on bed rest to get my youngest to 37 weeks). But in a weird way I feel over due, since I've never made it this far before. I had really expected to be induced today but they decided not to. Now we're waiting for me to go into labor on my own and it just feels like it's never going to happen. I'm not having any contractions or anything. I'm so tired of waiting!

    Please just pray that I don't go over due. I don't know how much longer I can stand the pain and discomfort. I want a healthy baby, of course, but at this point I know she should be fine and I'm so done!

  10. One thing I've found in looking back at the relationships I've been in over the years is that the best and longest-lasting ones were with guys I started out as friends with. In fact, when DH and I first became friends I wasn't even remotely interested in dating him. It was something that developed after we became friends.

    On the flip side, I found that when I was actively looking for a boyfriend, I couldn't seem to find one, lol!

    So I would say focus more on making friends and you will discover a good companion. After all, your spouse should be your very best friend.