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Posts posted by tree

  1. tubaloth, thank you so much for that post, i had wondered if i had committed the unpardonal sin when i got angry with god because i felt dumped off in this evil cold place, not knowing how and why i was placed here, i was racked with fear because of all the violence and disease, i knew there was a god that had the power to stop this and couldnt figure out why he didnt stop it? then i wondered where i would end up in eternity? this all took place when i was about 26 or 27 yrs old, then when i was 34yrs old i found the LDS. church, i repented all my sins and was baptized. i knew basicly that i was forgiven, but i couldnt shake the fact that i got mad at heavenly father and the guilt was tormenting me. but i have been praying for forgiveness and for peace at least twelve yrs. and now i am finally free. thanks again, tree

  2. thank you vikier for asking that question, i about 12 yrs ago got angry with god because all of the evil that was in the world, so i cursed him for letting it happen and not stopping it. of course i didnt mean it and i repented over and over and over and ive been asking god to show me a sign that i am forgiven because i have been over ridden with guilt about it for 12 yrs now. here is my sign, through your question, i have my answer. god bless you vikier!!!!!!! JESUS LOVES YOU!!!!!!! tree

  3. that is so how the world is today, what a good point it makes. we all need to forgive and forget, share and not judge and help lift each other up . no matter of race , religion , statis or gender. where did you get this? did you write it ? WOW! thanks,tree

  4. welcome and hello, i read a post about you ,a friend was inquiring about how to help you because of your mom refused to let you investigate the church or read the book of mormon. its very hard when you have to face opposition from your imediate family, i know i was 34yrs old when i was baptized in the church, my mother caused so much grief and became so hostile that i basically almost had a nervous brake down. so i was out of the church for five yrs. i now along with my 7yr old daughter and my new husband ( he is not LDS. but loves going to church with me.) just started back in the rockport tx. branch on feb. - 3 - 08. the 5yrs i was out was the most miserable time of my life. i needed the comfort and direction that i could only get from the absolute truth of gods word, which comes from the LDS. church. my absolute prayer for you is that god be your strength, wisdom and peace of mind during your wait as to come of age. pray continuely, well at least as often as you can, and pray for continued guidence from heavenly father. may the holy spirit preserve and keep you, TREE :bearhug:

  5. HELLO and WELCOME, i am a mother of 2, and am happily married. i absolutely love the church!!!! and i cant wait untill jesus comes back and we spend a thousand years with him , in peace, love and joy. it seems as god has given you a giving and loving spirit jenna. i know you will enjoy this site. tree

  6. kona i am sorry for saying that your intentions were evil. i will ask your forgiveness? now, you say all youve gotten out of this site is FLAMED,, well i also fell to a lower level and became FLAMED. you asked questions,,, we gave our answers. then i feel that you attacked us when you directly called our beloved prophet joseph smith a FALSE PROPHET, and with a few other STATEMENTS, you posted as FACTS to us about our church, you directly attacked us. i feel like you did your research, youve made your decision ,, now instead of coming back with all this,," your religion is false and prejudiced" stuff , why not leave the site and go your merry way. TO ALL MY FELLOW CHURCH MEMBERS, I AM SORRY FOR THE BAD EXAMPLE THAT I SET. KONA COULD HAVE SAID HE CHECKED US OUT,,WAS UNSURE OF WHAT HE FOUND,, OR THAT HE DIDNT AGREE WITH WHAT HE FOUND SO THEREFORE HE WOULD MOVE ON AND LEAVE THE SITE ,, BUT INSTEAD HE CAME BACK AND SAID THESE AWFUL THINGS,, THEN SAID HE WOULDNT BE GOING TO CHURCH AND THAT HE WOULDNT BE LEAVING THE SITE. SO I GUESS WE JUST STAND HERE AND TAKE HIS VERBAL ABUSE , WHILE OTHER INVESTIGATORS ARE ALSO SEEING THESE UGLY REMARKS!! WHAT THEN?? JESUS SAID TO TURN THE OTHER CHEEK, BUT HE NEVER SAID NOT TO REBUKE SOME ONE WHEN THEY ARE IN THE WRONG. PLEASE FORGIVE ME.......TREE

  7. hi rozalie, thanks for your honesty, first of all you havent been called towards the church for no reason. i believe you are searching for the path that leads back to heavenly father. ive searched numerous faiths even the gnostics,but it wasnt untill i joined the LDS church that i found the peace that passes all understanding. go to the and your questions will be answered, and pray with the most sincere heart youve ever prayed. there will be your answer. may the holy spirit speak truth to you. tree

  8. hi watermark , welcome!! hope you enjoy the site. a few of us here are new at this computer stuff but it seems to get a little easier as you go along. i am 38yrs old and my husband is teaching me.(he has such patients) how are or were things in the philippines ? chat more which ya later, TREE

  9. i agree with malcolm, and ztodd, he already said he has made up his mind not to further investigate, and or go to our church, so why stick around ? " to cause contentions,doubt and to get us arguing with each other" i told him in an earlier post ( at least i beleive i did ) to go to the rusty curtis has numerous questions and the answers to them,and where to find them in the scritures, if its truth he is looking for -HONESTLY- he will find it. lets not give-in to the craftiness of evil intentions, kona has all the info-sites he needs, go read,pray and make your decision kona, if you choose not the truth, fine, but please move on in peace!!!! TREE

  10. Sis_m, Hi I Am So Very Sorry To Hear About Your Current Situation, I Will Keep You And Your Family In My Prayers As I Am Sure The Others Here On This Site Will To! My Heart Aches For You. Heavenly Father, Go Before Sister_m , And Be Her Strength, Her Comfort And Her Guide In Her Situation With Her Husband. Open His Eyes And His Heart And Mind To The Love You Have For Him, And For The Love His Family Has For Him And How Much His Family Needs Him To Be Spiritualy Pure Mentaly,physicaly,emotionaly And Financialy. Heavenly Father Give Her And Her Children Peace, Protection And The Guidence They Need To Make It Thru This Situation No Matter How Long It May Take Or Whatever The Out Come May Be. Your Will Be Done,,, This I Pray In The Name Of Your Son,jesus Christ Amen!

  11. Welcome Blaine, I Am So Excited For You Joining The Church. You Wont Ever Regret It! As For Your Girl Friend I Am So Sorry For Her. As Argentina Says God Is So Gonna Honor Your Decision . As You Seek The Kingdom Of Heaven First,, Then God Will Give To You All Your Desires And More. That Doesnt Mean Every Day Will Be A Walk In The Park, But You Will See , Heavenly Father Takes Care Of His Own. Yours Truly , Tree.

  12. welcome rhondavow,, i am 38 yrs old just now learned how to turn one of these things on !! actually about 3 weeks ago. im so grateful that youve recovered and are on your way!!!! heavenly father is so awesome and all powerful. speaking from my own experiences i know how tough it can be. stay in prayer and in the scriptures as often as you can and by all means stay close to the members of the church dont hesitate to call on them if you feel weak or distressed . life is beautiful, not always a stroll in the park but beautiful. :clap::bearhug::sunny: tree

  13. brandon hello and welcome,, go to rusty curtis has answered a lot of questions that you will want to know,, i am 38yrs old.... have had questions since i was 10yrs old that no other faith could answer. i am a convert from being pentecostal,, i for once in my life am at PEACE !!!! i know where i came from,, what my purpose is in LIFE,, and where i am headed. may the spirit of truth be with you......... TREE

  14. you tell it like it is a-train, it dont get any plainer than that!!!!!!! the only thing i hope for ,,,for my daughter is that she marries a faithful, loving LDS.MAN and makes it to celestial kingdom. i would much rather see her married to another race, that would love and respect her and their family than to see her marry in her own race to a mean and controling man.(not at all saying white men are mean and controling, there is good and bad in all people/male and female ) well toot-a-loo, tree :clap: