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Posts posted by utcowboy

  1. Coming from the construction industrie my language is a bit rough. When I am around church members I quickly realize that I need better control over myself. It does say alot about who your are and perhaps what your education is.

    The teachings of the prophets through out all the ages are true. We need to overcome the natural man and show our love and respect for our Heavenly Father and his Son. And for the sacrific's that they made so that each of us can return to live with Him again.

  2. I understand what you're saying. But, I also really like the old school stuff.

    As long as we don't move too far away. :)

    Just to throw in my two cents....

    Isn't your above statement akin to saying "we have the Bible we don't need any more scripture"? It would seem to me with modern Prophets that we, as a church, should be moving forward continually. That would mean that we get more or better worded doctrine to teach, right?

  3. Jbs2763,

    Exactly.... too many lawyers and not enough people with common sense anymore.

    The government, judges need to throw most of the cases that come before them out! Too many peopel are allow to sue over really stupid, stupid stuff! If the judge would actually do their jobs instead of trying to punish "big business" we wouldn't have sky rocketing costs in a lot of fields, including health care.

  4. Incentives and tax breaks won't keep private companies from competing for our money. Health care shouldn't be sold as a commodity in an economy where many Americans can't afford it. I'd much rather be "bound by the government" than be faced with medical bills that I can't afford, not because I like handouts, but because I don't make enough money to pay for both food and doctor's visits. BTW, I'm speaking as one of the American workers fortunate enough to receive coverage from my employer. I personally don't have to worry about medical coverage, but many hard-working Americans aren't so lucky.

    Ever heard of a little organization called the FDA?

    Them competing for our business is the point... the more they compete the cheaper it is for everyone. And remember you have the right at this time to go and talk with your personal care physician and negociate what price you want to pay, if you doctor will negotiate. The problem really boils down to that if someone does like the care that they recieved from a doctor the nthey seem quick to jump on the "lets sue" band wagon. THats what the government need to regulate. They need to throw out the stupid law suits that cost all of us way to much!!!

    They need to tell the person that spills hot coffee on themselves, "tough" instead of giving them millions of dollars.

    I understand that bad things happen, and I understand that there are people who practice medicine that shouldn't be allowed to cross the street alone. Thats where the government needs to regulate. They need better testing for all doctors, not give a pass because of color, or language or anything else. When a Doctor graduates from medical school s/he should be able to pass all qualifying tests without any help from any sector.

    And I have heard of the FDA and the USDA... they are another governmental waste of money. If people knew more about their food and what was in it we wouldn't need those organization. But hey lets face it, most of us want to live in big cities, with easy to get to grocery stores and fast food restaurants. Enjoy yor dinner... :)

  5. And how is incentive-driven altruism any better than a government system that guarantees health care for people who can't afford it? You're basically telling poor Americans "I'm sorry that too few people care enough to give to charities". The government cares enough about our children to (poorly) fund public education, even though many parents forgo this option. It cares enough about our health to regulate the food we eat. Why shouldn't it care enough to provide health care for citizens who can't come by it through private providers?

    From the picture you have to the statements you post, I'd say you lean way, way to the left. If you want and enjoy the government in your life so much why do you live here in the US? There are plenty of dictactorships and socialized country where you could lay your head happlily at night. Why here? We as Americans have always opposed massive government, why do you insist on trying to force us that way?

    And if your not from the US or your not a registered voter, why do you even take the time to voice your opinion? You should know as well as the rest of us, it doesn't count.

    So back to the orginal topic, Government run Health Care, the majority of us don't want it and if I am still in the USA, that means that those who rep us in Congress and the Senate better sit up a take notice.

    I've rambled enough, time for someone else to voice their humble opinion, as now you all know mine. :)

  6. Another thing to remember...if the couple were to get married...you don't know what will happen to them. What I mean by that is....they could go on Bishop's Probation or could be disfellowshipped or even excommunicated. Just by saying getting married to make it legal is only a small fraction, because no one here knows what will happen to the people involved.

    Very true... we must remember that we all have to pay for our sins. As the old saying goes... Do the crime and do the time. I don't want to discourage anyone from repenting, I want all to return to Christ, as fast as possible. But we have seem to forgotten that there is consequence to our actions, we want to be able to do whatever we want but not have to pay for it. In reality thats not possible, sooner or later it will be paid in full. And if I understand scripture correctly, its lot easier to pay for those sins here on earth with our mortal bodies then it will be when we reach the other side. Just my thoughts, thanks for taking the time to read them.

  7. Saying, "It is in the past," does not clarify the meaning of the phrase, "No respecter of persons."

    The point is that that mistake was corrected.... Its in the past...

    There is no one on this earth, that is or was perfect, except for Christ. To expect people of that day and age to make perfect decisions is just ludicrous. To expect us, today to make perfect decisions is nuts too. :)

  8. What about the whole Priesthood ban issue?

    What about it? It was over back in '78, but some cant seem to forget the past even though everone else are trying to move forward. The only really good and useful thing about looking back is trying hard not to make the same mistakes.

    ?? How long do you want to live in the past ??

  9. So I know there are alot of posts like this. But I need encouragement and know that there are real people out there who have had the same problem. Me and my boyfriend have broken the law of chastity. Enough to count on two hands. I felt guilty every time and so did he. We stopped for months I can't remember the last time we did it. But recently we did it again. We have been talking about marraige and even picked out a ring. But obviously we can't enter the temple. If this has happened to you or a related problem please tell me what YOU and your bf gf ended up doing. I'll eventually go to the bish. I just need to know that people have had these problems and everything worked out. And how you knew you were fully forgiven. I always feel bad when I pray. Like I am not worthy to feel the spirit or be close with my father. Can we get married in the temple?

    Been here... done that... burned the t-shirt... :)

    Remember that all can be forgiven. My wife and I are now married in the Temple, but we weren't always worthy to be here. We met several years ago in a bar, neither of us lived the life or religion that we were raised to live. But through hard work and understanding that those who were helping us return to the church were not trying to punish or harm us, we made the necessary changes and were welcomed back with opened arms.

    Remember that the church wants you to return to your Father in Heaven. They will help you with whatever you need. But you also have to go through the repentance process, unfortunately no one can do that for you. You have to be sincere, remember the Lord requires a broken heart and a contrite spirit.

    The devil will tell you every time that you don't need to pray, or that its a waste of time. From personal experience, it is anything but a waste of time. I know and will testify to you that prayer helps me make it through each and everyday. My children and wife will testify that they see a vast difference in me when I pray and when I don't. The same holds true with scripture study. My advice, seek the Lord... This life is hard enough, why would you want to willingly make it harder? He has said, come to me and I will make your burdens light. I ask you, how can we refuse? I hope you find the answers you are looking for, and I pray that the Lord and his Holy Spirit shall accompany you through out your days.... :)

  10. You've got to remember at all times that each of us has our agency. The Lord will help all of those who turn to him, but like lestertheemt said, we have to listen. And like dazed-and-confused said, we all have lessons to learn. I cannot remember who said it but I believe it was a general authority that said some ting to the effect of... there is more equality in the testing of each of us in this life then we will ever know until the time of the Second Coming. I believe that is true. Each of us have our tests that we must pass. The best we can hope for is that we do our best and let the Lord fill in the blanks.

  11. Welcome to the site.

    I am sure that there are many people here that can help you with what you ae seeking. Be asured that you are only a failure when you quit trying to better yourself and those around you. Here you'll find friends, whether they are of the same religion as you or not, they are still your friends. I think that here you will find the support you are looking for.

    Enjoy your time here and again welcome to the site... :)

  12. I haven't played the paper version of D&D or AD&D for too long and I miss the social aspect. I do play NWN and NWN2, Baldor's Gate, etc. Right now we (my wife and I) are playing WoW, not quite the same as the old D&D but close enough for us to "spend time together". Its funny, she's downstairs on her computer and I'm upstairs on mine, full headset and "chatting" with her about the quests we are working on. You'd think it would be easier just to hook up in the same room, but this works for us... LOL

  13. I feel this is going to far, but anyway...

    #1 - Yes, they did invade. But it was allowed or ignored, is my point.

    #2 - Yes, they had, and who payed for it?

    #3 - They are, to a very twisted extent. I'll continue to reiterate this every time: freedoms are protected by protecting your homeland, not bombing people into democracy.

    #4 - I care because I care for humanity on a holistic, as opposed to nationalistic level. God is not American; nor is he a Jew; nor is he British and he certainly isn't Australian. You're quite right, in Australia we don't appreciate war at all and I think the population is quickly getting dissatisfied with Rudd as well because he hasn't delivered on too much of his rhetoric (but that's another discussion altogether which probably requires a separate thread).

    If you'd like to continue this discussion it might be more appropriate to move it to private message or another thread. I think this one has become hijacked at this stage.

    As far as this thread being hijacked, that would be for Pam to decide.

    Nobody is bombing anyone into democracy. Our troops are doing exactly what was asked of them. Trying like all heck to root out an enemy of everyone! Read the papers, these people will kill thier own if the think it will get them attention. They take over areas and either kill the civilians or make them hide them!

    I hope someday you can open your eyes and see what is actually happening. I don't agree with war or fighting but I'm not going to attack those men and women that are doing the best the can in a bad situation. And I also won't stand by and let you do it without saying something about!!

  14. They didn't invade our lands. They were allowed to. I fail to believe (I assume you're referring to 9/11?) that the best air security on the planet was infiltrated by some Arab men from caves in the deep Middle-East.

    And even if they did invade first, that doesn't mean anything. That's like a kid saying, after punching someone "He started it!" How primitive and immature is that? When the human body is invaded with a virus it does not 'send out' it's own anti-bodies to fight off more of the disease once it's cleaned itself up - it builds up it's own immune system. This what we should be doing.

    They are not protecting our freedom but an established system, the big business of war. If we actually considered ourselves threatened by another nation or ideology we'd build up our own security at home. We don't need to murder civilians to protect ourselves.

    An invasive foreign policy is what destroyed the Roman Empire. How interesting that the American Empire should make the same mistake.

    And I agree with you about universities. They're all too often cookie cutter systems in much the same way as churches; political ideologies; banks and the military are. There is little distinction there.

    #1- they did invade, I don't know how you like to define things but they were on American soil.

    #2- they had been in country for quite some time, some even enrolled in local Universities. And taking pilot lessons, you seem to be able to ignore the parts you don't like or that don't fit your argument.

    #3- they are protecting our freedoms. Because if something isn't done then we would all be under the Taliban rule or Hilter rule or.... on and on and on. PS if America was an invading, and looking to expaned type of people, why didn't we keep all the lands that we freed during WWI and WWII?? Rather we help to re-establish the local government plus help pay for reconstruction. The same thing we are doing now.... The only difference is that people seem to forget that freedom and peace has to be fought for because there is always someone waiting to take it away from you!!!

    #4- why am I arguing this with you? Your government has what 1500 or 2500 soldiers on the ground? What do you care what us Americans do? Take your arguement to your government, let them close your borders. Your land wasn't attacked but your ex-PM was thoughtful enough to offer help, ya'll disagreed with him and had him replaced. A very good example of your freedoms, I might add.

  15. Yes, they are brainwashed if they think they are doing a great good for the world and I have every respect for those soldiers because it's not their fault for what they've become (I know this through speaking to many of them from different backgrounds). Just not the manipulative establishment that puts them there, that's what I do not and will not respect.

    Universally, if people were not manipulated into joining armies there would be no war. It isn't hard to do.

    There's a difference between defending one's homeland ON one's homeland, and an invasive foreign policy.

    The only reason we have armies on a real level is because we have self-preserving institutions. It takes young people and says "This is the greatest country in the world! And God is on our side!" Every country in the world does that to it's people, so you've got a bunch of pinheads allover of the world responding to the same mechanisms of control. Patriotism and the Military are two the of the ultimate divide and conquers.

    The military, though, was great. It just all went wrong when we started believing that we needed to invade other countries and fight wars internationally, that certainly was not the intention of your founding fathers. In-fact they never wanted an army at all. They wanted a militant citizenry, in other words everyone has a gun and knows how to use it, that could respond socially to any threats from abroad. What we have now is very dangerous.

    You seem to forget that they invaded our lands first and that we also gave the countries that they came from the option to catch and detain them before we did anything. You forget the sacrfices made by too many family to protect you and your freedom! The only brian washing going on is in the university where professor can spew vitriol and no one can say anything about it without being called a hate monger or racist, etc.