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Posts posted by utcowboy

  1. If you feel guilty enough to not want to talk to your bishop then I think you have already answered your own question. From a male point of view your bf wants one thing and one thing only, and he will tell you whatever you want to hear to get what he wants. Stay true, you know what is right for you, be strong..... we are here to help as much as you'll allow.. :)

  2. Where is that LOL button that was discussed in the other thread..... I like it Morning.... but it might not hurt to lite a fire under some of them..... and it might make her feel a whole lot better... I know it would make me feel better sometimes.... But I guess thats why the doc says I should stay on medication. :)

  3. The only thing you can do is follow your heart, but I gotta tell ya that its really the same in the family wards, only there is usually 10 people to wash the windows. I've been active in my ward for almost 2 yrs and its the same there. Most of the people are great one on one but they don't know how to volunteer for anything, its worse than pulling teeth. Every ward or branch, stake and area have the same types of wards and members, there are those that look forward to their callings and there are those that dread their callings. I hope you find the happiness that you are looking for and I wonder if you are not in this ward for a reason?!?!?

  4. The choice to pay tithing or not is yours, no one else has the right to judge you! That being said we have all heard the stories of people paying their tithing first and some how being able to cover all their other basic needs. When we follow the counsel we are given the Lord will provide for us. Again the choice is yours, but if it were me, I'd pay my tithing first, knowing the Lord would provide me with what I need.

  5. I think this goes along with another thread that talks about respect and honoring ones home. I smoked and drank during the 20 yrs that I was away from the church but I had enough respect for my parents home that I didn't do either when I was there. If I had to have a smoke I'd take a walk or drive, go see some friends, whatever. I never even thought to bring alcohol to their house (after I grew up and realized I didn't know everything lol ).

    I think that your family should respect your wishes at your house. Family gatherings at parks, pools, etc. are fair game but I would think that they would know enough about respect to keep it out of the hands of children. (tho there are always one or two uncles that think its funny when a kid get a hold of an almost empty bottle.)

  6. Rekhyt2238,

    I haven't read all of the posts here, I've just skimmed the last page. I wonder if you are not getting hung up in 2 Nephi and the Isaiah chapters. May I suggest the you try reading the BoM from Alma. Alma is a great starting place and he has a wonderful message for all who wish to know it. Anyways, this was a tought that came to me while I was skimming over these posts. Best wishes