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Posts posted by utcowboy

  1. I have every belief that you will see your friend again. I hope that you will do everything in your power to learn the gospel of Christ so that you can see him again. I wish you the best in the future and hop you find what you are looking for.

  2. We had a talk similiar to this in EQ, and the teacher was tell us about a gentleman in JS time that was told to deny his faith or be shot. His answer was, I believe, "Shoot and be damned". The thought struck me at the time, how easy it would be to defend yourself, your family, and your faith, or to die for your faith, with someone standing next to you holding a gun to your head. I say this because I think Satan has much worse ways of leading us away from our Savior and his teachings. And I think that if you slow down and really look around you, you can see him in almost everything that you do. So I ask you, would it be easier to die for you faith or try to avoid the traps that the advisary is getting good at putting in front of us?

  3. I agree with Misshalfway, and I'd like to add, listening to the living Prophets. If we follow counsel, not blindly, but faithfully, we shall prevail. The Lord has shown us the way it is our responsiblity to follow his path and share that knowledge with those around us.

  4. I remember growing up we had all kinds of fun in the stake centers. In the 70's and early 80's, there was always something going on, whether it was a relief society bake or a boy scout derby, or whatever, there was something to do with people of the same background and it kept you out of trouble. (well some of my old leader would disagree a little but I think you know what I mean) I asked my mom once why they quit doing that kind of stuff and why they had to bring cooked food from home when we used to use the kitchen at the stake center. Her answer was that the church had to quit because state and federal req's required them to have someone or everyone that was in the kitchen, had to have a food handlers permit and besides that the liability that someone might sue over something just put a stop to it.

    I think back on those happy memories and it makes me sad that a few could ruin such a good thing!!

  5. I know not many members agree with me, but one of the problems is the movie portrays some doctrine fairly accurately, which makes it easier for anti-Mormons to use against the Church.


    Aren't we told that the Devil will use 9/10Th's of the truth to help pull us away from the absolute truth that is Christs? Decker is doing just that, yes his films hold partial truths, and we as saints (Yes you too :) ) need to examine all that we are told by all. whether they are Prophets, Bishops, or whatever. The Lord will revile his truth to those who really want to know and live by his commandments.

  6. Dumb question, but aren't we missing something in this??

    Didn't the Lord promise in D&C 8:2

    2 Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.

    So, we would know in our minds and feel it in our hearts!!

    I think, if I've right these posts right, that we've over looked the peace that will come to our mind.


  7. Ruth,

    His bishop has probably counciled him not to partake of the sacrament until he gets farther a long in his repentance process. See Mormon 9:

    Morm. 9: 29

    29 See that ye are not baptized aunworthily; see that ye partake not of the sacrament of Christ bunworthily; but see that ye do all things in cworthiness, and do it in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God; and if ye do this, and endure to the end, ye will in nowise be cast out.

    Just a posibility... :)