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  1. It sounds as though your state requires parental consent for minors (I don't remember if u said it did) -- If so, there is still one avenue left open to you. Do you know if her parents approve of abortions? If there is any chance that they do not you can speak to them. Even if they do there is a possibility that they would not wish their daughter to have one. It will be a difficult conversation but if you do so there is a possibility that her child will be born and given the opportunity to live. If she is firmly set against adoption, perhaps she and her boyfriend can try to forge a life together with their child. Her parents may even be supportive. One of my friends became pregnant at 17 -- she truly believed her parents were going to kick her out when she told them she was pregnant. She had all of her bags packed and was prepared to move in with my mom and I. But, when she told them, even though they were upset and disappointed they told her they'd help support her and her child. She was deathly afraid but it ultimately ended up not being anywhere near as bad as she had feared. Anyways, no matter what happens in the days to come be satisfied with knowing that you did all that you could. Take care and I hope you feel better soon. =)
  2. When I was 15 my best friend, my only friend at the time, confided in me that her father had molested her and her sister. She claimed that he changed, but later on said she feared he had begun doing those same things to her younger sister. I was torn. I felt that I should speak to our bishop and yet, I was her friend and the only person she told. I maintained her confidence for months, but it weighed on me heavily. After many months of struggling with it I finally decided to speak to the bishop. She stopped speaking to me after that, but even now I am certain that I did the right thing. There is a young girl who will not be harmed by her father any longer. It was by no means easy for me, I am quite shy by nature and I feared losing my only real friend. I realized though that I owed it to her and to her sister and be a true friend and do what she needed for me to do rather than what she wanted. You don't have months to make that decision. You should speak to the people at the clinic and let them know she has a fake I.D. and is underage. Perhaps speak to her mother rather than her father if that's possible. Encourage her boyfriend to be supportive of her especially if her family turns on her. She may be upset with you for awhile, but someday she will be grateful to you for it. A young child will have the opportunity to have a happy and fulfilling life, and I firmly believe when she holds that child she will understand that you are indeed her friend. You and she both will regret it always if you do not do so. Anways take care and may the Lord bless you and give you the strength you need. Im pulling for ya =)
  3. I did once have a testimony and it was a wonderful feeling -- I found out the night before my father left that he was going to be leaving the next day. I knew I had to make it through school and band practice and I had no idea how I could do so. I went to seminary the next morning and I dont even remember what it was my teacher said but I remember being overcome with a feeling of peace and strength and everythng about the gospel felt right. Now I guess I just don't feel that anymore. I go to church with my mom (shes the only 1 in my family who does go) sometimes, but I don't always. Whenever Im at my dads or visiting my siblings I don't go. Overall I feel indifferent when Im at church to the things that are often being said and I know that in and of itself shows that I really need to change. Seeing a bishop would indeed answer that question. I suppose I have just been terrified of doing so. I had a stopping point always, and at times it seemed as though the reason for it was so that I could avoid seeing a bishop...not the best reason I know. Well, thanks for answering, I appreciate it. It sure helps to be able to talk to others this way. =)
  4. For the last several years Ive been gradually drifting away from the church. Im 20 years old and I know I need to make big changes in my life but whenever I try it seems I inevitably end up commiting the same sins eventually. I feel so alone and when I pray I feel as though my prayer goes no further than my ceiling. My mom asks me if I have a testimony and i tell her that i do. She's had so many heartaches and disappointments in her life I can't bear to hurt her and tell her about my uncertainties. I don't know whether or not I need to see a bishop for some of the things Ive done (mostly when i was btween 14-17). Anyways I was wondering if anyone had any advice. I once felt peace in my life but it seems like it was so long ago. And even when I get myself straigtened out, how can I be happy when certain members of my family are living unrighteously and other members of my family are suffering because of it? Sorry If i'm rambling a lot but Ive never really talked to anyone before, well thanks for the time=)