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  1. I am extremely passionate about your political issue. It's clear from the facts at hand that our beliefs completely coincide with said political issue. I cannot believe that in this day and age, in the age of the internet and the information superhighway, that some people are so ignorant that they don't understand how clearly correct your viewpoint is on this issue. If people on the other side of this issue would simply stop and think and not allow their own biases and media choice to dictate their beliefs, they clearly would come to the same conclusion that you and I did. The answer is simple and it's well within our power to defeat this issue if only we had the support of other clear-thinking individuals. Unfortunately, the media's ability to spin things means that anybody on the other side will only be spoon-fed the things that make them comfortable. It is maddening that your political issue is not resolved today and right now, when the causes and solution are so clear. We need to open up our dialogue to free those in the media bubble of the other side before it is too late! Those on the other side are clearly on the wrong side of history, failing to grasp the simple truths that allowed you and I to come to the same conclusion. If only we could reach in to their safe bubble and show them truth, they would clearly reach the exact same conclusions as you and I. This issue is too important to ignore! It is our duty to stand up and educate the world about how right our side is. The alternative is too horrible to contemplate.