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  1. (New Testament | Revelation 5:6)6 And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. We discussed this verse in Sunday School today and no one was able to shed any light on who or what the seven Spirits of God are or what they do, or what is their relationship to the Spirit of God mentioned in many other places throughout the scriptures? . This is the only verse that I know of in the scriptures that refers to God having more than one Spirit. Is there anyone here who can shed light on these questions? Also, is there any significance in the fact that in this verse, Spirits is spelt with an upper, rather than a lower, case S? (Topical Guide | G God, Spirit of:Entry)God, Spirit of (see also Holy Ghost; Holy Spirit; Light of Christ)Gen. 1:2 S. of G. moved upon the face of the watersGen. 41:38 man in whom the S. of G. isEx. 31:3 I have filled him with the s. of G.1 Sam. 10:10 S. of G. came upon him, and he prophesied1 Sam. 11:6 S. of G. came upon Saul1 Sam. 19:20 S. of G. was upon the messengers2 Chr. 24:20 S. of G. came upon ZechariahJob 33:4 S. of G. hath made meIsa. 61:1 S. of the Lord G. is upon meMatt. 3:16 S. of G. descending like a doveMatt. 12:28 cast out devils by the S. of G.Rom. 8:14 led by the S. of G., they are the sons of GodRom. 15:19 signs and wonders, by the power of the S. of G.1 Cor. 2:11 of God knoweth no man, but the S. of G.1 Cor. 2:14 natural man receiveth not the things of the S. of G.1 Cor. 3:16 ye are the temple of God ... S. of G. dwelleth in you1 Cor. 6:11 sanctified ... justified ... by the S. of our G.1 Cor. 7:40 I think also that I have the S. of G.1 Cor. 12:3 no man speaking by the S. of G. calleth Jesus accursedEph. 4:30 grieve not the holy S. of G.1 Jn. 4:2 Hereby know ye the S. of G.1 Ne. 17:52 so powerful was the S. of G.1 Ne. 19:12 sea shall be wrought upon by the S. of G.Alma 5:47 spirit of prophecy ... by the manifestation of the S. of G.Alma 9:21 (3 Ne. 7:21) Having been visited by the S. of G.Alma 24:30 once enlightened by the S. of G.Alma 61:15 S. of G., which is also the Spirit of freedomHel. 5:45 Holy S. of G. did come down from heavenD&C 46:17 to some is given, by the S. of G., the word of wisdomD&C 68:1 proclaim the everlasting gospel, by the S. of the living G.D&C 121:26 God shall give unto you knowledge by his Holy S.Moses 1:27 did not behold, discerning it by the s. of G.Moses 6:26 S. of G. descended out of heavenMoses 6:65 S. of G. descended upon him, and thus he was born of the SSee also Ps. 143:10; Rev. 3:1; 4:5; 5:6; 1 Ne. 20:16; Jacob 7:8.