Presidential Suggestion Box!


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I don't think the Secret Service would permit Ayers into the White House anyway.

Nor would Obama as he does not even pass for security clearence. Our Commander In Chief does not even pass the standards for a basic security clearence. If Obama was trying to apply for a job as even the garbage man at the White House, he would be turned down.

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Nor would Obama as he does not even pass for security clearence. Our Commander In Chief does not even pass the standards for a basic security clearence. If Obama was trying to apply for a job as even the garbage man at the White House, he would be turned down.

Source? I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case, there are some pretty weird things that can exclude you from security clearance, but I hadn't heard this before and would like a source for it.

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Honestly, yes. Not everyone is vendictive toward anyone who doesn't unconditionally agree with them.

I didn't mean it that way. What I meant was if I suggested that he reverse his decision on his tax plan do you think he would take me seriously? Of course not. I would be the first to applaud him, though, if he took a more moderate approach to his administration because of the suggestions of half the country. That would be the sign of a true leader. Only time will tell.

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I didn't mean it that way. What I meant was if I suggested that he reverse his decision on his tax plan do you think he would take me seriously? Of course not. I would be the first to applaud him, though, if he took a more moderate approach to his administration because of the suggestions of half the country. That would be the sign of a true leader. Only time will tell.

If you suggested he reverse his decision on the tax plan and provided compelling reasons why, I think he would take it into consideration espcially if he got enough heart felt feedback that it was a bad idea. I see no reason why he wouldn't seriously consider changing his mind if that is really what the people want.

I honestly think he is reaching out to see what exactly the American public wants and that he would seriously consider what people write, even people who disagree with him and especially if there are a lot of people who speak up. If I were in his position, that is something I would do.

Perhaps this is just a publicity stunt to get an early start on his approval rating, but it couldn't hurt to at least give it a try and give him a chance to live up to his promises before immediatly dismissing the whole thing.

Edited by DigitalShadow
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