I Mean Really ?

Winnie G

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Excused Me but does it bother any one that at the first debate Bush said Canadian drugs were accused of being un safe but in the 2nd debate when question about the flu vaccine he said he was negotiating with Canada to enquire vaccine??????????????????

Of course Canadians are dropping like flies because of their unsafe drugs (sarcasms)

Oh that’s right my last refill was made by the Abbot drug company plants in both US and Canada. I know the company well my ex father in law worked for them till his death in 96.

How can Canadian drugs be unsafe one debate and good enough with in a few days.

I mean Really :blink::blink::blink::blink:

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Guest curvette

Well, if it makes you feel any better Winnie, it doesn't look like the US will be able to get the Canadian manufacturer licenced in time anyway. Which probably means that many type one diabetics (like my daughter who are three times at risk of influenza death) won't be getting their flu shot until January--halfway through flu season.

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Don’t take that so personal,

I have family that won’t get the flu shot ether so take a deep breath.

And if it makes you feel better the Canadian Prim Minster will ship any vaccine surplus we have to the states because that’s what Canada does.

Canadians with take a slap in the face that were shipping unsafe drugs to the elderly in the states but will turn around and ship vaccine.

By the way when it happens most likely Bush will not give credit were credit is do.

Just watch.

I hope the fllu passes by your home.

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Guest curvette

The Canadians are more than willing to share the vaccine with the US. The problem is our stupid licensing policies. All the red tape involved is going to turn around and slap the FDA in the face because now the needed supplies won't be here until at least January.

As far as President Bush goes, I don't agree with a lot of what he says and does--especially on the stem cell research issue. I still prefer him over Kerry though. I think ALL politicians in the US are corrupt in some degree. At least all the ones I've ever observed.

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You know what they say a no vote is a vote for Bush or Kerry , I always think who is the best of two evil’s, or weevils

My family are so up set over the invisible weapons of mass deception their all voting and praying for Bush to lose or drop dead. I am always chastising my mother for the dead remarks. :ph34r:

I told he to pray for pretzels! (Just kidding) ;)

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You know what they say a no vote is a vote for Bush or Kerry , I always think who is the best of two evil’s, or weevils 

LOL! I loved Master and Commander. "The lesser of two weevils"

I watched some of the debate and when GB said that drugs from Canada might not be safe, I told my gf "I'll bet Winnie just blew a gasket!"

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Bat did I not send you my letter about my trip?

I did blow a gasket!

winnie's letter

I watched one of the presidential debates while I was visiting, it was brought up that drugs in Canada are called in to question as to safety factors. I rose off my mothers couch and yell back that’s right 1000’s of Canadians are dieing daily because Canadian drugs are unsafe! The last time I checked Abbot laboratories were the makers of my last medication. Since they make drugs in both the US and Canada how unsafe can they BE?

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