Ok Just Wondering?

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ok my "dad" got back from florida, (ok my mom had a heart attack so he came running home, and her words were, "when dad gets home its his rules") so then he took me out back and gave me his rules #1 i cant leave the house anytime i want anymore #2 from 6am friday to 6am sunday i could do whatever i want he dosent care and he wont ask. so then being smart i asked him what if i get arested, and he told me i better hope its on a saterday night or im going to be behind bars for awille.

now my mom made him bring my cerfew back to 12midnight on saterday, because she wants me home for church w/ sleep, so i asked her to put the 6 hours back on thursday at 6pm and she told me shed think about it, then later she said when i knew y she had to think about it we'd discuss it, now ive snuck out once when i was a decon and got caught and scince then ive never even been late on a cerfew, any ideas on what shes talking about!

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well this is my opinion- your mom is just trying to keep you safe, whether you like it or not...i'm sure you've heard that. BUT i dunno about you, but where I live, theres really nothing to do after midnight.... everything's shut down, friends are all tired, and our city has a curfew that the cops enforce... so even though my parents let me stay out past midnight, i'm usually home by then because of lack of better things to do. If that's the case with you, just appease your mom- i'm sure she would appreciate that with her health situation. If you absolutely cannot bear being home by midnight, sit down with your dad and tell him why you feel the need to have an extended curfew. maybe he'd be willing to work something out with you and your mom, and it will be a good chance for you to just talk with your dad since he hasn't been living with you for awhile. ;)

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Originally posted by gimpandproudofit@Dec 12 2004, 05:35 PM

well this is my opinion- your mom is just trying to keep you safe, whether you like it or not...i'm sure you've heard that. BUT i dunno about you, but where I live, theres really nothing to do after midnight.... everything's shut down, friends are all tired, and our city has a curfew that the cops enforce... so even though my parents let me stay out past midnight, i'm usually home by then because of lack of better things to do. If that's the case with you, just appease your mom- i'm sure she would appreciate that with her health situation. If you absolutely cannot bear being home by midnight, sit down with your dad and tell him why you feel the need to have an extended curfew. maybe he'd be willing to work something out with you and your mom, and it will be a good chance for you to just talk with your dad since he hasn't been living with you for awhile. ;)

mesa az, and ive always found something to do past midnight but my main problem is i dont think its fair to tell me no and just no, if its a good reason then i wont push the issue
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