Larry Kudlow on AIG


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It never ceases to amaze me how our Government operates. Most I would doubt, could ever hold a real job. Can anyone imagine giving away Billions of $ to a failing company without any oversight or guidelines on how the money is to be spent. Then, when that Company who has been run into the ground by failed Officers continue to make poor decisions and the crap hits the fan. We the taxpayers get upset and start taking exception, and wondering what idiots would do this, Congress then wakes up and tries to put the heat on anybody but themselves. Sculdugery at its finest.

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I am not saying obama is any more or less dishonest than most politicians, but he has to be the absolute worst salesman I have ever seen.

First AIG is not the first to misuse our money in this mess. I haven't heard one concrete thing (specific) about what is going to change the misuse of our money. Heck I could say we're not going to tolorate this. So what. People need specifics. ex - A federal IRS audit should be done every 2-3 months on our bailout money. I think the IRS could actually do it. They scare me.

Second. I feel like we are in the film it's a wonderful life. We (regular people) are George Baily and the huge corporations with money are Mr. Potter. Their are people buying right now and getting fire sale prices because of the perception. It is in the interest of big business to keep the recession/perception going. They will make tons of money in a few years and we will keep paying the bill for stupit bailouts.

Did you know that the banks required to take bailout money have to get government permission to repay it. One bank in particular had to take bailout money to buy Wachovia even though they didn't want it and didn't need it. Now they are having a heck of a time trying to get the government to take the money back.

If Obama's people had a brain between them, they would be shouting from the rooftops "look we are already getting you money back" My plan is working. Even if it isn't. But instead they say nothing but we can't let AIG fail. The only thing their selling is "Hey regular people we need you to spend the money you have to keep the economy going"

Another thing??? California???? He could make himself look so good by working something out with homeowners/now homeless people. ??? We have bailed out the banks there. So we have basically bought the houses that now sit empty. Citizens are now living in tent cities. We are at some point goin to have to provide services to help. Crime is going up rapidly in these empty neighborhoods. With the houses we bought with our federal tax money, I would like to take my share and help one of these families (from a reasonable home) get back into it. I mean I own part of the home and am not using what i own. Oh wait, I am not trusted to know what to do with tax money. HA HA:huh:

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