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I was searching for some interesting materials online and stumbled on this delightful site. I posted a thread, and then read the rules of posting...

I think..hope I followed the rules :blink:

You can let me know....Take a look under the White Horse Prophesy section. :)

I am native New Mexican, and love the culture.

I moved to Utah, and hope to enjoy the summer.

My hobbies include teaching my 37 third grade students (hence, I might not get to visit here as often as I'd like..there are lots of papers to grade! :D), and look into the changes of our country.

The recession is nasty, but I like what my father learned. He told me two general authorities came to visit the stake and ward Priesthood leaders not long ago in New Mexico. He is a second hand source (following the community rules about verification. :))

They stated that they had foreseen this. It will be unpleasant, but it won't last forever.

From my research, I found 2 Priesthood session conference talks by President Hinckley both titled: If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear.

I see a common thread. I believe he was trying to prepare us without giving us the answer, and then letting us know it was coming.

Gotta run! My gradebook is calling me!

Keep smiling

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