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I am sorry that there are some that have difficulty understanding the difference between investing and gambling.

I think one of the key differences is that for you to 'win' nobody else has to 'lose'. I invest in Apple, there stock goes through the roof, that isn't because I'm getting everyone's money who invested in Microsoft.

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Although I personally wouldn't advise it, I just want to point out that people who play poker professionally do have to work hard at it. It's psychologically and mentally demanding. It is not a willy-nilly, simple and mindless throw away of money like on a weekend trip to the casino or on lottery tickets. While chance does have some play in it, luck alone will not let you win. It requires skill, strategy, and intelligence.

Gambling, to me, is like drinking. It's alright if you're in control. I know this is not an LDS POV at all, but I just wanted to bring another view out. God told us to not be foolish with our money, to not worship other things (like wealth), or be greedy. You can enjoy gambling without those things. If instead of using $20 to watch a movie in the evening, but instead use it to buy into a poker game at a friend's house, then $20 is the price I paid for an evening's entertainment.

The problem with gambling comes when one spends more than they are able to allot to "entertainment", or if they become so consumed by the "thrill" of it that it overtakes other things in life. I am aware of the destructiveness of this, one of my friends had a gambling problem and ended up "borrowing" money from a friend in order to keep going, and would continue through the night without sleep to play online.

The motto "know your limit, play within it" comes to mind. Anything can become addictive and overshadow life and become destructive, even work, volunteering hobbies, collections, anything. I just think we should all be responsible for ourselves.

I think one of the key differences is that for you to 'win' nobody else has to 'lose'.

For one to win in sports (professional poker is considered a sport), eveyone else has to lose. Just making a statement.
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Guest North

I believe that a person shouldn't gamble for all the above reasons. I believe the reason is that people they get hooked and in the end will lose. But if a person had a gift to win and was able to make a good living at it. Could this be treated as a job and ok as Mormons?

Just passing through....

No. Gambling is out of the question, and a tithe payer has the additional blessing of seeing how cash is a good thing, and to just burn it with a bic, absurd.

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