Phantom air farce pictures


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Wow... Just... wow.

Irresponsibility meets a new height, with the President- who should be shouldering the blame instead of claiming "I didn't know, not my fault!"- leading the charge.

What I want to know is- why not? Would it be more bad publicity and we see- once again- the administration playing the popularity gambit? I'd trade all the pictures and videos of the First Dog for these photos any day. I want to know who was on that plane, who ordered the photo-op, and the corresponding "why's" to both those questions.

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I think it was a stupid stunt and a waste of money. But in the grand scheme of stupid stunts and wastes of money by political figures, I don't think it particularly stands out or is even noteworthy other than the fact that it scared the crap out of a bunch of New Yorkers thinking it was another attack.

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I think it was a stupid stunt and a waste of money. But in the grand scheme of stupid stunts and wastes of money by political figures, I don't think it particularly stands out or is even noteworthy other than the fact that it scared the crap out of a bunch of New Yorkers thinking it was another attack.

True, it's not as bad as starting a war with nor tangible enemy, or even going on a spending spree that will ruin the economy and country. It's still a bad stunt though. And I think scaring hundreds (thousands?) of U.S. citizens needlessly is pretty bad in its own right. This is a chance for the Administration to own up to a relatively minor mistake- yet we see no one doing that. The buck gets passed around until we don't know who's at fault.

The result is no one really has to shoulder the responsibility and America forgets about it.

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True, it's not as bad as starting a war with nor tangible enemy, or even going on a spending spree that will ruin the economy and country. It's still a bad stunt though. And I think scaring hundreds (thousands?) of U.S. citizens needlessly is pretty bad in its own right. This is a chance for the Administration to own up to a relatively minor mistake- yet we see no one doing that. The buck gets passed around until we don't know who's at fault.

The result is no one really has to shoulder the responsibility and America forgets about it.

I definitely think that the scaring of citizens was far worse than the spending, but the shifting of blame is just politics and human nature. I see crap like that every day at my workplace. People are out for blood right now and want to jump on any little mistake, it would be political suicide for someone to take full responsibility and no one is willing to fall on their sword. Not that it's an excuse for not doing the right thing, but it's just not surprising to me.

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