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All Christians believe that God has a physical body. It was physically born by the Virgin Mary and it grew from infancy to adulthood. In this body, God physically ate and drank, touched and healed the sick and afflicted, suffered temptation and the general circumstances of the human condition, and most importantly took upon Himself the sins of all mankind. It was God's physical body that was beaten and tortured after His betrayal. It was His body that was nailed to a cross and pierced with a spear. It was His body that died at Calvary. It was His body that was laid by Joseph of Arimathea in a tomb.

The good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that God then conquered death and entered again into that body. That body physically and literally rose from the dead and exited the tomb victoriously. Afterwards, in that body, God again physically ate and drank with His disciples.

There is no indication that God has ever since abandoned that body. Indeed it is said that He will return to earth and put his foot on the Mount of Olives. I've yet to meet a Christian who denies these things. In fact, these things are the most fundamental notions of Christianity itself: that Jesus Christ of Nazereth is God.

Mormons do not differ on this matter. It is in fact the foundation of all Mormonism. The first principle of the Gospel is faith in the LORD Jesus Christ. The purpose of Mormonism is plainly stated on the first page of the Book of Mormon, it is to convince both the Jew and the Gentile (meaning all people) that "Jesus is the Christ: the Eternal God."

Trinitarians believe that God exists in Three Distinct Holy Persons. With this Mormons agree also. The only difference is that most non-Mormons are at least hesitant to speculate that the Person of the Father possesses a seperate physical body from the Person of the Son. Many actually find the notion repulsive. That said, it is difficult to discover the reason why. Mormons on the other hand, have specific canonized revelation through modern prophets which explicitly confirms that the Father possesses a physical body distinct from that of the Son.

On the question regarding whether Mormons believe God is a man, the answer is emphatically yes. Not only do Mormons believe it, but the New Testament teaches it. The man Jesus is God. Jesus was a man in every way, He endured all the conditions of manhood. Going further, Mormons believe man is the offspring of God as taught by Paul. Man and God are the same species.


Edited by a-train
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