Obama Tells American Businesses to Drop Dead


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The economically illiterate partisan Democratic view is that this practice is unpatriotic and bleeds jobs from the U.S. The economic reality is that American companies use this approach to acquire market share overseas. The alternative is losing the business to foreign competitors.

Don’t just take my word for it. A recent paper by Harvard economists Mihir Desai and C. Fritz Foley and Berkeley economist James Hines and published in the distinguished American Economic Review, gathered data on American multinationals to explore the impact of foreign investments on domestic U.S. activity.

from Bloomberg...here

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*sigh* Bytor? Can you give it a rest with the Anti-Obama rhetoric? We're all pretty sick of it. You don't like Obama. We get it. I even agree with you that his economic platform is wrong.

But if you turn this website in to an anti-Obama spamfest, anybody who's interested in the church will have to wade through forum post after forum post of 'Bytor Hates Obama'.

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Bytor, it's not Obama you hate.

Obama is a puppet, like everyone else in this system he is just fulfilling his function. No matter who was in office, they'd be behaving (for the most part) like Obama.

Our system is out of date.

Humanity will not survive with present day values, politics and money. What we need is a change in values that correspond with our present day understandings, and the carrying capacity of the earth.

You seem to be blinded by this idea that it's 'bad politicians'.

It's not bad politicians. Even if we get 'ethical politicians' in office problems will not be solved because politicians aren't given the tools to solve problems.

Get used to things the way they are, or look to real social change.

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*sigh* Bytor? Can you give it a rest with the Anti-Obama rhetoric? We're all pretty sick of it. You don't like Obama. We get it. I even agree with you that his economic platform is wrong.

But if you turn this website in to an anti-Obama spamfest, anybody who's interested in the church will have to wade through forum post after forum post of 'Bytor Hates Obama'.

Umm....so your saying I should only post current events that are favorable to Obama or only post current events about the church? Sorry, no can do. I may just stop posting current events al together, but honestly, this economic mess is huge, it affects everyone, even Canadians. And I don't hate Obama.....

Edited by bytor2112
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Bytor, it's not Obama you hate.

Obama is a puppet, like everyone else in this system he is just fulfilling his function. No matter who was in office, they'd be behaving (for the most part) like Obama.

Our system is out of date.

Humanity will not survive with present day values, politics and money. What we need is a change in values that correspond with our present day understandings, and the carrying capacity of the earth.

You seem to be blinded by this idea that it's 'bad politicians'.

It's not bad politicians. Even if we get 'ethical politicians' in office problems will not be solved because politicians aren't given the tools to solve problems.

Get used to things the way they are, or look to real social change.

First....I don't hate Obama. Had Obama and the Democrats acted responsibly, they would have received my praise and support.....as for the rest of your comments.....the system we have is the system we work with.

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And I guarantee one of your six million, three hundred and twelve posts that say 'Obama is bad because of the economy' or 'Obama is bad because of his stance on the military' will be on the front page.

It's not an event if you're posting, 'This just in: Obama's economic platform is still bad!'

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And I guarantee one of your six million, three hundred and twelve posts that say 'Obama is bad because of the economy' or 'Obama is bad because of his stance on the military' will be on the front page.

It's not an event if you're posting, 'This just in: Obama's economic platform is still bad!'

Ok...point taken and noted. My posts are politically slanted more than current events.

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First....I don't hate Obama. Had Obama and the Democrats acted responsibly, they would have received my praise and support.....as for the rest of your comments.....the system we have is the system we work with.

Is that what you'll say to your children when we've engaged in so much resource depletion that things seriously start to get unsustainable for us?

What about if a nuclear war occurs? We just 'did our best', by 'working in the system' because that's all we could do?

Granted, with every change... it starts from a source (this system) but that doesn't mean you just 'go along to get along'. Especially if it's detrimental to the integrity of yourself; society and thus the whole planet in the long-term.

We have to look beyond this system, because it is a big part of the problem. Economic analysts have been saying this for 50+ years, but it seems things aren't quite 'bad' enough for people to care yet.

When's the breaking point?

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Specifically, since we're talking about 'businesses dropping dead' I'm referring to Technological Unemployment which economists were talking about 50+ years ago.

Basically to summarise it: as technology grows and industry continues to automate more (and they have to, to become more competitive) more people will be out of work.

That, eventually, is the end of the so-called free-enterprise system.

FunkyTown, the way our systems are now, the idea of expanding in space is very scary. It's not far-fetched to say that nations could start putting weapons in space for all we know ... and that's a really scary possibility. We need to fix our problems here first, before we worry about the rest of the universe. :P

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I get what you're saying, Aesa, but 3 shuttles of moon-dirt could power all of the Earth for a year.

No more coal burning. No more oil burning. No more fossil fuels. Just good ol' dirt being heated for Helium-3: A clean source of fusion energy that won't cause radioactive decay that weakens the shield.

If I seem like a big proponent of Helium-3, it's only because I have this hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach that humanity will go to war over a resource that is plentiful, simply to control it and prevent the rest of the world from getting what it needs.

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Yes, and one hour of sunlight at high-noon could power the Earth for over a year. It's just a matter of utilising the technology to harness that.

Geothermal Energy could provide us with 3,000 years of clean planetary power in abundance. And the earth's heat is regenerative so that wouldn't ever run out.

Wind Power, the US department of energy has admitted, could power the whole nation if it was properly utilised in just 2 or 3 American states.

We have plenty of energy abundance on earth without looking to the moon. Any shortages we perceive are just a result of industry's general manipulation.

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