So Who Do You Look Like?


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Mmmm let's see. When I was in my teens to early 20's, my family said I looked like my Mom's sister.

When my hair went grey and I quit coloring it I looked like my mother. This was reinforced to me when I walked by a store window and saw my Mother in the reflection. It was me, not her. She had been dead for nearly 10 years!

I still look like her.

When 1st husband and I were traveling all over the west coast, I was always getting approached by people who said they knew me. One time in a little bar in Kalispell Montana, my husband got jerked off the bar stool by Big Red Neck with shoulders that went on and on and on. Big Red Neck socked husband in the face. Husband was out for the count. Big Red Neck looked at me and bellowed at me to get my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on home and take care of the kids.

I stood up and asked him who the hey he thought he was? When he grabbed my arm to aim me at the door, I konked him on the chin with a small beer pitcher and told him to turn me loose or pull back a bloody stump. He gave me the strangest look, then said: You're not Becky Sue are you? Nope, not even. He sat down on the stool next to me and looked at my still unconscious husband on the floor and said: Oops, guess I'm in fer it now. I cracked up. It was so funny to me. Big Red Neck and one of his buddies got my husband into a booth. When he woke up, we just told him that two of the locals got to fighting and he got hit in the fracas.

I even got approached by the bouncer at a Nightclub in Rochester NY, he picked me up, gave me one heck of a kiss and had to holler at every one that here is his long lost girlfriend. I didn't know him from Adam. It was my first time out of the state of Washington, husband was not impressed.

When I got my id out to prove I was not his old girl friend, he was pretty embarrassed. What the hey, we were treated pretty nice by the employees of the club, they thinking I was bouncers old love.

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