To Quad or Not to Quad...

Guest Believer_1829

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I took a razor too my old quad and sliced it up according to my preference (no kidding, very carefully right between the pages and down the bind). Then took the pieces to a local print shop and had the separate pieces bound. I have the Bible all by itself. I have the TG and Bible dictionary bound as a completely separate reference book. And the Book of Mormon, D&C, POGP, and Index I kept together. I kinda wish I'd combined the BOM with the New Testament, since those are my favorite reads, and then put the D&C/POGP with the bible index and dictionary, maybe I'll do that later.

If you really try this, make sure you remove the outer cover before slicing it up. That sounds sacriligous, but that's the same kind of things they do at the press, so I don't feel bad about it. I think quads are nice for Sunday totes, but prefer something lighter to hold when I'm reading at home.

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Guest Believer_1829

I took a razor too my old quad and sliced it up according to my preference (no kidding, very carefully right between the pages and down the bind). Then took the pieces to a local print shop and had the separate pieces bound. I have the Bible all by itself. I have the TG and Bible dictionary bound as a completely separate reference book. And the Book of Mormon, D&C, POGP, and Index I kept together. I kinda wish I'd combined the BOM with the New Testament, since those are my favorite reads, and then put the D&C/POGP with the bible index and dictionary, maybe I'll do that later.

If you really try this, make sure you remove the outer cover before slicing it up. That sounds sacriligous, but that's the same kind of things they do at the press, so I don't feel bad about it. I think quads are nice for Sunday totes, but prefer something lighter to hold when I'm reading at home.

Gasp! And you are probably one of those people that set them on the floor when you need to use your hands for something else ;)

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I took a razor too my old quad and sliced it up according to my preference (no kidding, very carefully right between the pages and down the bind). Then took the pieces to a local print shop and had the separate pieces bound. I have the Bible all by itself. I have the TG and Bible dictionary bound as a completely separate reference book. And the Book of Mormon, D&C, POGP, and Index I kept together. I kinda wish I'd combined the BOM with the New Testament, since those are my favorite reads, and then put the D&C/POGP with the bible index and dictionary, maybe I'll do that later.

If you really try this, make sure you remove the outer cover before slicing it up. That sounds sacriligous, but that's the same kind of things they do at the press, so I don't feel bad about it. I think quads are nice for Sunday totes, but prefer something lighter to hold when I'm reading at home.

I am a little confused I guess.

What else is new:confused:

Is that not the way you can buy them anyway?

Except for the New Testament -

Book of Mormon Comb. Which I think is a fantastic idea:)

Bro. Rudick

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As far as I know, you can't get just the LDS KJ Bible (without the Topical Guide and Dictionary) unless you get one that is not from the LDS church, and in that case you would not have the benefit of the LDS footnotes in our version of the KJ Bible--which are a gold mine for understanding the scriptures.

I think the Bible along with the dictionary and topical guide is just too big for comfortable reading at home (like I said, quads are good totes for Sunday, along with a pair of $1 reading glasses).

I don't think you can get the Topical Guide and the Bible Dictionary as a stand-alone reference book.

Mostly, though, I didn't want to buy anything new, so I just used my set of scriptures that I"ve had for about 20 years now and redesigned them.

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As far as I know, you can't get just the LDS KJ Bible (without the Topical Guide and Dictionary) unless you get one that is not from the LDS church, and in that case you would not have the benefit of the LDS footnotes in our version of the KJ Bible--which are a gold mine for understanding the scriptures.

I think the Bible along with the dictionary and topical guide is just too big for comfortable reading at home (like I said, quads are good totes for Sunday, along with a pair of $1 reading glasses).

I don't think you can get the Topical Guide and the Bible Dictionary as a stand-alone reference book.

Mostly, though, I didn't want to buy anything new, so I just used my set of scriptures that I"ve had for about 20 years now and redesigned them.

Right, not without the Topical Guide and the Bible Dictionary.

O have a hard cover copy which I have about destroyed and had to recover and I never felt it was too big to tote but I am acquainted with toting a lot of stuff:p

My large print Quad I take everywhere and I would not trade it for anything.

I think my notes in between the lines and margins about take up as much

space as the original print:D

Bro. Rudick

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