Reconnecting with HF


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I feel so disconnected with HF except when I'm teaching a class. It's difficult to describe. I really don't know what's wrong with me.

I go to church, usually love it there. I sub classes lately. I love the gospel, I study occasionally, go to church, pray all the time. But feel like I'm talking to the ceiling.

I seem only to feel His influence when I'm teaching a class. Doesn't matter which class. I feel lost. I don't know who I am anymore. I'm identified as someone's mom, or my husband's wife. I don't think anyone knows my name anymore. I'm not sure I do either. I've been a mom and wife for 21 yrs. Great relationship with my husband. He's a very man. Very good to me. Just can't tell him how I feel.

Don't feel comfortable talking to the Bishop. Or Stake Pres. (I'm very uncomfortable with him).

I'm not sure what do do.

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Yeah, I too feel that women are so giving, all the time giving of themselves to everybody except them selves! I mean gezzzzzzz when we get married we even give away our name!

But. Heavenly Father knows exactly who you are and that you are indeed a separate and unique daughter! THis story is very common. Women don't take the time to take care of their own needs that after years you forget what your needs are, what you enjoy, what you are interested in. I think most LDS women do this to some extent. WE also feel that when we think of ourselves we are being selfish. This isn't' true. We have to take care of ourselves, fill our cup and reservoir, in order to help anyone else.

We need to take time to nurture us. I went to a TIme Out for Women recently and heard a talk about these issues. THe speaker said that we need to look at, think of, nurture ourselves in the same way we would love and nurture a daughter. If your daughter came to you and told you this, what would you advise? HOw would you treat her? What would you do to help her know how much you love her and how special she is??? Do the same for yourself.

One thing for sure is you need to read your scriptures, and pray. Not wimpy prayers, real prayers like you would talk to your best friend who you know would understand and not judge you. Your family should be doing things for themselves. A mothers job is to TEACH her family how to do things for themselves! It is not to do every thing for them! If your kids (and even husband) doesn't cook, clean, do laundry, think about how you feel and your needs, then THEY need to stop being so selfish!

What kinds of things were you interested in when you were single? What were your dreams? What have you thought about through the years that you might like to try? Then do those things. Ask Heavenly Father for help. ASk him for help to talk to your husband then family. NO one knows how you feel until you tell them. If a man's wife is not happy and feels like you do, then HE IS FAILING! Yep! THE MOST important duty Heavenly Father holds husband's responsible for is the happiness and fulfillment of his wife! So, by telling him how you feel you are actually NOT being selfish because you are helping him to achieve his divine potential.

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