Question For The Boys

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Originally posted by stellati@Oct 30 2005, 12:04 AM

I heard that you guys like it when a girl asks you out, right?  Well, if you turn down a girl who asks you out, what do you think your chances are of her asking you out again?  Seriously, if you men don't do something soon, we're all going to turn into old maids.  :sparklygrin:

If I meet a cute guy I like and he is shy and slow, I will ask him out. None have ever said no to me before, and they usually insist on the bill so its a win-win situation. Plus, it boosts their ego that they were asked so they are more at ease.

With these kind of guys tho you need to be direct. Tell him flat out, "Take me out on a date." If you hint at it, and say, "There is a movie I want to see", he may not get it. Remember, these are the slow and shy ones.

The lively ones will ask on their own eventually, so be patient.

I remember once, I was in college and there was this guy in my humanities class. He was gorgious and looked like the greek gods we were studying.

I did all of the tricks like drop the handkercheif, help me with my homework, lets go study alone together. Yet nothing came out of it. He was very nice and helped me, but after a semester of spending so much time with him and no result I got fustrated and disgusted so I found a new love.

Well 2 years later, I was at a party and I ran into him. I was like wow its that cute guy that looks like a greek god that I had the crush on. I was single again.

This time however, he declared his love for me, told me he has been a crushing over me all this time, but didnt have the nerve to ask me out, because "a girl like me would never be interested in a guy like him."

He had the impression that all I wanted to do was study, do homework, and get straight A's, therefore I had no time for a boyfriend.

I was like WHAT??? OMG!!! I almost fainted on the spot!

I told him I hated that class and only used it as an excuse to spend time with him.

To that he asked, "Why didn't you tell me you liked me? We could have been dating all this time."


We did date a while after that.

However, after that expirience I am not waiting 2 years again. If I like them I tell them. Worse thing they can say is no, and its really not a bad thing, it means you are free to look elsewhere for what you want.

Sometimes the best boyfriends are the slow shy ones, they are less prone to getting into trouble.

Bad boys get old soon.

Now my sister has a talent for finding horrible geeks and giving them a make over into a gorgious guy. That may be an alternative. Maybe, you are just not noticing the diamond in the rough. As for me, I dont like to change people, but find what is special in them.

As for men being pigs, some are and some are princes. A good rule a thumb is to follow what JESUS says, Mat 7:6 "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you."

Interesting, I have read that scripture zillions of times before, and now I see the connection between dogs and pigs... HMMMMMMMMM LOL

Once you do find a prince, keep him happy and you will be his princess.

Most of the men I have met are decent. Pigs are few and far between. I can just recall meeting 3 pigs in my life off hand. Maybe, its because they can sence I am Puerto Rican and make a beeline for the door.

See, back home the favorite meal is roasted pork. We just love to dig huge pits in the earth, load it with charcoal and fire wood. Then get a long rebar pole and impale the pig on it, poke holes in it and insert garlic cloves. Finally, wrap some banana leaves on it, and slowly cook it until moist and tender by spinning it over the fire. We then sing songs about this accompanied by maracas and a guido. Then we butcher him up with a machete. No pig ever survives til the next morning at a good old fashioned Puerto Rican pig roast.

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See, back home the favorite meal is roasted pork. We just love to dig huge pits in the earth, load it with charcoal and fire wood. Then get a long rebar pole and impale the pig on it, poke holes in it and insert garlic cloves. Finally, wrap some banana leaves on it, and slowly cook it until moist and tender by spinning it over the fire. We then sing songs about this accompanied by maracas and a guido. Then we butcher him up with a machete. No pig ever survives til the next morning at a good old fashioned Puerto Rican pig roast.

sounds real close to the polynesian cloua (sp) pig.

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Originally posted by Setheus+Nov 8 2005, 12:32 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-mormon_gal@Nov 4 2005, 07:55 AM are pigs...

Why is it that men are always refered to as pigs as though its a bad thing? I mean, pigs are not only delishious when served up as ham, bacon, baby back ribs, etc etc...but they are also one of the cleanest animals on the farm. They are HIGHLY intellegent and have been proven in many instances to be easier to train than dogs. Some of their heart valves are usable in human heart surgery and have thus saved the lives of many many many people. Pigs can smell truffles which are no cheap thing. And above all a good pig doesnt want to hurt anyone. It just wants to lay in the shade, play in some mud, and eat yummy slop.

I for one stand up for the pig. And if being a pig means I'm a clean, layed back, intellegent, life saver....then I'm a pig. -_-

LOL... do you also smell truffles? :wow:

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I don't know why they call them pigs....why do they call cops pigs?

Funny story

We had a dog named piglet.. well we had an officer that lived next door...he also had a drug enforcement dog... well one day i went out to find my dog in the front yard...i did not see her right i started to yell here piggy piggy piggy...I did not see the officer in the front yard of his home... he walked over to me and said ....WHAT? LOL It scared me a little... so then i explained to him my dog was named piglet and i was just calling for her.....Well my neighbors on the other side of me were drug dealers and they always left their window in the back room opened when they smoked Pot ( lovely neighborhood i tell ya) anyway the officer asked me if i heard his drug dog barking at night...for some reason about 11pm he always went nuts LOL....I wanted to say maybe the wind is blowing the smell of pot into your yard....but i chickened out ( they got caught a few days later anyway) Well they all moved at some point and now we have better neighbors...a little crazy but better :sparklygrin:

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Originally posted by lisajo@Nov 10 2005, 12:25 AM

I don't know why they call them pigs....why do they call cops pigs?

Funny story

We had a dog named piglet.. well we had an officer that lived next door...he also had a drug enforcement dog... well one day i went out to find my dog in the front yard...i did not see her right i started to yell here piggy piggy piggy...I did not see the officer in the front yard of his home... he walked over to me and said ....WHAT? LOL  It scared me a little... so then i explained to him my dog was named piglet and i was just calling for her.....Well my neighbors on the other side of me were drug dealers and they always left their window in the back room opened when they smoked Pot ( lovely neighborhood i tell ya) anyway the officer asked me if i heard his drug dog barking at night...for some reason about 11pm he always went nuts LOL....I wanted to say maybe the wind is blowing the smell of pot into your yard....but i chickened out ( they got caught a few days later anyway)  Well they all moved at some point and now we have better neighbors...a little crazy but better :sparklygrin:

That was FUNNY! :lol:

I happy to hear you have better neighbors too. ;)

P.S. Still laughing........... Can't believe your neighbor actually came over and said "What" :wow::lol::lol:

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Originally posted by lisajo@Nov 10 2005, 12:25 AM

I don't know why they call them pigs....why do they call cops pigs?

Funny story

We had a dog named piglet.. well we had an officer that lived next door...he also had a drug enforcement dog... well one day i went out to find my dog in the front yard...i did not see her right i started to yell here piggy piggy piggy...I did not see the officer in the front yard of his home... he walked over to me and said ....WHAT? LOL  It scared me a little... so then i explained to him my dog was named piglet and i was just calling for her.....Well my neighbors on the other side of me were drug dealers and they always left their window in the back room opened when they smoked Pot ( lovely neighborhood i tell ya) anyway the officer asked me if i heard his drug dog barking at night...for some reason about 11pm he always went nuts LOL....I wanted to say maybe the wind is blowing the smell of pot into your yard....but i chickened out ( they got caught a few days later anyway)  Well they all moved at some point and now we have better neighbors...a little crazy but better :sparklygrin:


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Originally posted by BenRaines@Nov 9 2005, 08:43 PM

Hmmm un lechon asado.  Que rico.

Yes, Lechon Asado (Roast Pork) is one of my favorites.

I also love:

-Cuchi Fritos (Fried Pig Ears in Hot Sauce),

-Chicharon de Bayamon (Deep Fried Pig Skin from the town of Bayamon),

-and Tocino (Pork Back Bacon),

but, I will pass on Morcillas (Pig's Blood Sausage encased in Pig Intestants).

For those grossed out by these delicacies, LOL you may be thrilled to know that these dishes were featured on Martha Stewart Living Television Show, durring the Wedding in Puerto Rico episodes.

Its a good thing! B)

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Originally posted by begood2@Nov 11 2005, 05:11 PM


What does anb stand for? : 1. ain't nobodies business?

                                        2. any normal belief?

                                          3. a new beginning

                                            4. argument non-belief?

                                              5. ain't nothin but? or 6. computer code written in FORTRAN 77 ... anb is not best?

ROTF "anb" stands for the first three letters I found in my keyboard when I was signing up.

See spmeone told me about this website and I wanted to check it out, but the computer kept prompting me to enter something in the religion feild on the template, before I could move on.

I really didn't think I would participate much here, so I just randomly chose something to put in. I figured I would look into it and then go away. LOL

However, I love this website now. Its awesome, so I have been coming back frequently.

Funny that you ask about "anb", because this very morning I was looking at my profile and trying to correct that "typo" without much sucess.

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Originally posted by begood2@Nov 11 2005, 05:11 PM


What does anb stand for? : 1. ain't nobodies business?

                                        2. any normal belief?

                                          3. a new beginning

                                            4. argument non-belief?

                                              5. ain't nothin but? or 6. computer code written in FORTRAN 77 ... anb is not best?

ROTF "anb" stands for the first three letters I found in my keyboard when I was signing up.

See spmeone told me about this website and I wanted to check it out, but the computer kept prompting me to enter something in the religion feild on the template, before I could move on.

I really didn't think I would participate much here, so I just randomly chose something to put in. I figured I would look into it and then go away. LOL

However, I love this website now. Its awesome, so I have been coming back frequently.

Funny that you ask about "anb", because this very morning I was looking at my profile and trying to correct that "typo" without much sucess.

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Originally posted by begood2@Nov 11 2005, 05:11 PM


What does anb stand for? : 1. ain't nobodies business?

                                        2. any normal belief?

                                          3. a new beginning

                                            4. argument non-belief?

                                              5. ain't nothin but? or 6. computer code written in FORTRAN 77 ... anb is not best?

ROTF "anb" stands for the first three letters I found in my keyboard when I was signing up.

See spmeone told me about this website and I wanted to check it out, but the computer kept prompting me to enter something in the religion feild on the template, before I could move on.

I really didn't think I would participate much here, so I just randomly chose something to put in. I figured I would look into it and then go away. LOL

However, I love this website now. Its awesome, so I have been coming back frequently.

Funny that you ask about "anb", because this very morning I was looking at my profile and trying to correct that "typo" without much sucess.

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Originally posted by begood2@Nov 12 2005, 02:08 AM


I know that curiosity killed the cat, but it just really bugged me trying to figure out what anb meant. :dontknow:

I'm also glad that you have decided to stay and post. You bring a new and interesting prospective to the forum. Thanks for your contribution. :)  :D

Ty so much! I must say I find the overall expirience here beneficial and cathartic. :)

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