With both of my parents having passed away in the last 13 years, I am grateful that they choose to be buried. They have a permanent marker (headstone) with very pertinent information listed. I have been a huge fan of a sight called Find A Grave. It's a great way to link family members together as a form of family history. I believe dates handwritten over time has a margin of error, where dates in stone are more accurate.
That being said, I am currently thinking of being cremated and having my ashes sprinkled along The Emerald Coast. Thus returning me to my previous life as a mermaid. ? I have yet to have this put in formal writing for fear of being committed. My dear mother in law actually cringes when I say something like this.
Maybe I should ask my children how they will feel about me being cremated. I know that even if they say it is okay, I will choose to be buried along with my husband if that is his choice. ?
When my mother had passed away it was pretty sudden. I didn't have the chance to adjust to the concept of her being gone and I was unable to help dress her. When my father passed 5 years later, I was much more prepared and was able to help dress him with the help of my husband. It was very beautiful to give him one last gift of service. Both of my parents look very realistic in their caskets, very peaceful.
Just recently, I attended the funeral of my fathers best friend. He was in the casket for a viewing, then cremated instead of being buried. Maybe a good alternative?