Temple Recommends And Blessings


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Originally posted by jared007@Nov 7 2005, 08:40 PM

You're a Melchizedek preisthood holder exercising that power and authority.  I'd have no problem if a Bishop required proof of that such as a Melchizedek priesthood certificate, but I just didn't see how a current temple recommend was a valid prerequisite in that setting other than documentation of assumed worthiness.

I can see a temple recommend as evidence that a man has the Priesthood, as well as evidence of a man's worthiness to have the Priesthood, because a man can't get a valid temple recommend without having the Priesthood and being worthy of it.
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Originally posted by Traveler@Nov 8 2005, 01:59 PM

Regardless of what ever opinions we hold there is revelation specific to this matter.  When someone is among a congregation other than where they are known they are instructed to take a letter signed from the presiding priesthood holder where their records are held.  (See D&C 20:84)

A while back (I do not remember exactly which conference) during a priesthood session, President Hinckley addressed the importance of maintaining a temple recommend.  He said that it was the most important item he carried with him.  This included personal id, money, credit cards or pass port.  A temple recommend is the letter of recommendation called for in D&C 20:84.  As an international traveler I cannot imagine someone even thinking of traveling abroad without a current pass port (recommend of sorts) or with the excuse that they intended to renew it but just did not think it important for just the current trip.

I am personally appalled with the rather childish behavior and cavalier attitude toward sacred covenants.  Why esteem sacred things so poorly.  I would think if one had an inheritance from which they received $25,000 every month if they would present themselves before a magistrate once every two years to demonstrate compliance with requirements of the inheritance.  Who among you would allow such a valuable reward to laps saying they meant to get it done and blame the magistrate for not extending their monthly payments till they got around to updating their compliance?  Are we to esteem the things of mammon above the things of G-d?


The Traveler

WOW!!! Man, you popped me right between the eyes with this one. :wacko:

You put it in such a way that I hope I never forget it.

I can not thank you enough for your analogy. That is just a fabulous one!!! Gee. . . . . . I just don't have the words to express how that struck me. I really really appreciate it. That makes perfect sense to me.

Thank you so much.


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