What's The Point Of Sealing.


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Jason: Let me ask you Ray, when all of these people have attained the same grade of light, will the necessity of sealing still exist?

Ray: I believe we should continue to honor our Fathers and Mothers, no matter how perfect we become. And in fact, the more perfect we become, the more we will honor them.

Tao: Or does even God progress in your belief? I’m aware of two schools of thought in Mormonism regarding God's "progression". One postures that God does in fact grow and learn eternally, the other that God is already completely full of all knowledge and does not or cannot progress further.

Ray: I’m still waiting for further light and knowledge concerning this question myself.

Tao: If it is the righteousness of the parents that is important in deciding if they will be your parents in heaven...is sealing necessary?

Ray: Yes, just as every other ordinance is necessary for salvation and righteousness.

Tao: It seems that if they are not sealed to us in this life, they will eventually be sealed to us...if they are righteous...basically, God sorts it all out in the end anyway.

Ray: Yes, and the way God sorts it out is by judging whether or not we have complied with all of the laws and ordinances of His gospel plan. Or in other words, while some other “way” might make sense and seem perfectly reasonable to you, God had His plan before any of us were born, so we should simply accept that and honor Him.

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Guest Taoist_Saint

I was just curious what your answers would be...though I expected the ones you gave, based on the fact that your are very orthodox LDS.

But it was not me that asked the first couple questions...you might want to re-edit your post :)

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