The Lord's Goodness


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I am so glad to hear that positive note in your post. I think you are already on the way to healing. The others are right who have replyed to you. The people who know they are dying are so much stronger than we can imagine. They are usually resolved with it and at peace with what is happening to them. It is the rest of us who don't deal with it so well.

To everyone else reading this post---

I plan to visit one of the Ladies tomorrow on a lunch break. The man who's wife I mentioned, I will send a card to her expressing how I feel about her and her strength in dealing with her husband terminal illness and I will do something more on Friday before work.

As an update--one of the daughters who hasn't called me much due to her situation, is coming to Thanksgiving dinner. At least she said she would. She is bringing her much older, abusive boyfriend but at this point I just want my daughter and I have set the rules for his behavior if he comes. We shall see. That only leaves the daughter who no one knows if she is alive (missing for a few months and no one has heard from her). Maybe a miracle can still happen and we will have her too.

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While there is a sense of loss from the death of a loved one we should, for those that believe, feel great happiness and relief for those who have gone on before us.

My mother died two years ago after a brief bout with cancer. Died at 66 years old. That is very young by todays standards. There were tears shed at her service but they were not because she was gone but the good words that people had to say about her and the outpouring of love by those who knew her.

I consider myself a very compassionate person who tries to love all and also very emotional but have not shed one tear of why so soon why did she have to go. Do I miss talking to her? Sure but again I do not cry due to her death that would be selfish of me. I look forward to the day that we will be reunited and will, without the health problems, be able to remember and share with all our family the great love we have for one another and for those who had gone on much earlier than we had.

Life is but a passing moment in the eternities. I hope that no one finds this offensive.

I have found over the years that great value is placed on lasting here on earth. I am ready to go when my time comes and hope that I have endured to the end on keeping the commandments to be worthy to enter the Lord's presence.

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I just wanted to let everyone know that I sent out cards to the two people. I could not go visit today due to snow and the roads. I feel good about what I wrote in the cards. The one lady has been in charge of the Friends of the Library group for years. I asked her to pick a favorite book or author so that I could purchase it in honor of her and place a dedicated to book plate in the front cover of it.

I so much want to do more, but the weather is not permitting it and I have family coming. I am keeping them in my thoughts and prayers.

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