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Hey guys,

Prior to attending byu, i use to have trouble with girls however i realized i was screwing up and changed the way i live and have been trying to be a better person and member of the church. I recently realized i really ought to bring these problems up with a bishop but i am scared that if i tell the bishop at byu, i will be sent home. Do they send you home for breaking the honor code prior to admittance?

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My feeling on this is that they will not send you home for something like that. What people often misunderstand is that the process of repentance is a loving action designed to bring people closer to Christ and our ultimate goal of returning Home.

Having graduated from there I would be very surprised if they even considered sending you home. I have known of some there who had done things that they were not proud of, but were able to work closely with their BYU ward Bishop and continue in their education. I would encourage you to speak to your Bishop as soon as you can.

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No they will not send you home, promise. I went to BYU and had a similar situation. And I'm not 100% certain, but I am pretty positive that because of the fact that communication between you and your bishop is confidential he can't tell the school, the only students I know of who were sent home were either caught in the act, admitted to the student judicial commity themselves, or were turned in by other students. There is no reason for you to worry if you have changed. You signed the honor code and at that point it became relevant, not before. So, go talk to the bishop and get it off your chest then all will be well! Thanks for being a good example in turning things around and getting back on track.

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My roommate had problems with word of wisdom and chastity while attending BYU. She was not kicked out but put on probation, then kept doing all the same stuff and was dismissed. The bishop was really nice to her and tried to work with her, and she was a nice person, too, but was kind of messed up.

There are lots of people with BYU that have problems in this area. You would be naive to think that they would send them all home, because they would have to send A LOT of people home!

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