Plural Marriage


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Polygamy is something we're conditioned to believe certain things about, just as monogmany and any other marital order or sexual practice. We're conditioned in most things - told that we'll experinece (x) or (y) if we do (a) or (B). We have to be careful and wise by tapping the Holy Ghost for the truth of the matter.

If polygamy were re-instituted, I am sure many would balk at it. Others would embrace it. It would be an adjsutment of thinking across the board. For me, I would need confirmation from the Lord that it was the proper practice for me and my marriage. If none came, obedience to it wouldn't happen.

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I think your nuerons and nervous electrical impulses command you. I would not rule out millions or billions of years of modification of human beings. In the beginning, humans were primitive cave dwellers who dwelled together for survival. Im pretty sure that they were not monogamous either. Wolves are monogamous. They mate with only one partner for the span of their lives. Go figure. Polygamy is a man made self rightous recipe to wipe out the guilt for having sex with more than one person. Dont kid yourselves. You dont get married and expect to not have sex do you? Hell , so many of us humans are having it guilt free without the marriage paper anyways,,so big deal. Polygamy, Monogamy, its fruitless to worry about at all. Its not important when you step back and look at the bigger pictures out there.

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Guest bizabra

Polygamy was also practiced "way back when", say, for instance in King David's day, in order to solidify political alliances. That is why the king would have so many wives and concubines. He would take as wife the daughter or sister or widow of an important political ally (or former enemy) in order to be related and have a connection.

When women and children are considered "chattel" or the possesions of men, either their fathers or husbands, then the more women you can afford to own shows how rich you really are. Women were nothing more than "goods" that could be bought, sold, traded, or cast off at will.

To claim that polygamy was or is only in order for men to satisfy some sexual greed is to miss the entire point of why it was and continues to be practiced.

We cannot and should not judge other culteral norms against our own Greco/Roman/Judeo/Christian society. There are as many reasons why people do what they do as there are ways to do it.

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