Why i'm here


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Hello all

I am a former member of the church. I have been a practising Christian in various churches since then. I have just attended a meeting in my old ward, the first in a decade. I've decided to take a fresh look at the church, after doing some study for a while online. Its the first time that I have seriously contemplated rejoining the church. I was very nervous about going today, but everyone there were so welcoming, and pleased to see me. I am really glad I went. I am hoping that I can find some help here with my study of gospel topics, and work through some questions, as they arise. It would be good to hear from anyone who has been in a similar position as me, and have made there way back. Any help, advice , support most welcome.


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welcome to this site...glad to meet u. The firststep back to church is that hardest. I thought the building would fall down...and everyone would get hurt lol...and is the hardest...IM glad u came ur on the road back to activity in the church its were u belong. sometimes we dont understand and we walk out of the church to find happiness, then we learn that we always had it....true happiness that last is in the Gospel...we all have trails, issues, etc. but better to be active in the church. Ive learned this And no one in the church is perfect, if they were they wouldnt be here. Jesus came for the sinner, Hes the great physician, healer of us all....Were here for u if and when u need us...Theres many good people here...looking forward to getting toknow u.

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