Gun Deaths


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A friend of ours sent us the following email:

Two Mormon missionaries tracting door-to-door in central Florida were shot. One died and the other was seriously injured. This was sent to me by a nonmember friend...Notice the two other shooting news items – both resulted in bullets lodged in the victims’ brains.

I think the MSM (mainstream media and liberal media) wants everyone to get the idea that “gun deaths and injuries” are out of control in every city and town across America – obviously in need of more “gun control” laws. Missing from prominent coverage, or coverage at all, is the number or car crashes that put hundreds of people in hospitals or morgues all over America every day.

Notice also that the average of 6,000 abortions performed every day (babies killed in utero) by mothers and their complicit doctors – resulting in 44,000,000 (44 million) missing Americans since Roe v. Wade.

You never see this news making front page, do you? And we are made to wonder why our borders are so porous. Probably three-fourths of the 44,000,000 would be in the American workforce if they were alive. Do you see front page news decrying this deliberate bloodbath on innocents? Of course not.

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Guest Taoist_Saint

The logical conclusion being that vehicles need to be outlawed, and efficient mass transit (within cities and between cities) made available to everyone, no matter how small their town or village might that people can travel ANYWHERE without a car.

What's the problem? Will you miss your luxury car?

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Lets all go back to bicycles. They were ready to blast on to the marketplace at the turn of the 20th century and then Ford started mass producing cars. Ok so we do away with cars, guns, knives and we will be back to bikes and stones.

How about each person accepting personal responsibility for their actions and the consequences of those actions as well.

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Very true Aristotle:

You never see this news making front page, do you? And we are made to wonder why our borders are so porous. Probably three-fourths of the 44,000,000 would be in the American workforce if they were alive. Do you see front page news decrying this deliberate bloodbath on innocents? Of course not.

Even the Book of Mormon says the gentile peoples can have this land until they reject God, and then the Lamanites will take it back. Isn't it ironic that since 1973 and the legalization of abortion about the same number of immigrants (mostly of Indian blood -- they are treated better here than by the racist Mexican society) and offspring have come here/been born to these people as the number of abortions?

Also, statistically your toddler has a much greater chance of drowning in a mop bucket than being abducted and killed. But such accidental deaths rarely make the newspaper.

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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by Fiannan@Jan 5 2006, 04:02 PM

Very true Aristotle:

You never see this news making front page, do you? And we are made to wonder why our borders are so porous. Probably three-fourths of the 44,000,000 would be in the American workforce if they were alive. Do you see front page news decrying this deliberate bloodbath on innocents? Of course not.

Even the Book of Mormon says the gentile peoples can have this land until they reject God, and then the Lamanites will take it back.

I thought the Book of Mormon land ("this land") was in Central which case, the Lamanites already took back their land from the Nephites after killing all the Nephites...every single a massive genocide...which explains why the Spanish never found any white Nephites here when they arrived?

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They did not kill every single Nephite -- only the vast majority that would not denounce their faith. In this sense it was like when the Turkish Muslims overran Constantinople (now Istanbul) they slaughtered every single person who would not pledge allegiance to them. Quite a bloodbath I understand.

There are writings of the Cherokee and Mandan tribes as witnessed by the early explorers as being much lighter (even blond) than other tribes. There are also depictions of quite light people with non-traditional Indian features in Meso America. I also knew a guy who was half Lakota (father was white, mother was full-blooded Indain). He grew up on a reservation and was picked on a lot because out of his large family he was born with blond hair and blue eyes (genetically impossible unless some of thoese traits existed in his mother's line).

Here is an interesting site to look at:

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Guest Taoist_Saint


But my point was that "this land" would have referred to BoM lands...and the commonly accepted idea is that the BoM lands were in Central America...not the United States.

So immigration to the United States would seem to be irrelevant.

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Not long ago, I received an email from an Australian police officer quoting the crime statistics in Australia after disarmament. The statistics were actually higher. Criminals chose other methods to murder their victims. This proves that disarming a nation is no guarantee that crime or criminals will cease to exist. Disarming a nation only causes it to be vulnerable to a [corrupt] government.

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So I guess we'll have to go back to using the "swiss army rock"

Here's another point to consider: If they took away all of our guns, of course we all know that the felons would still get them on the black market, however, only then the law abiding citizens would be left defenseless. Muggings and robberies would go through the roof.

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Originally posted by LionHeart@Jan 5 2006, 09:01 PM

So I guess we'll have to go back to using the "swiss army rock"

Here's another point to consider: If they took away all of our guns, of course we all know that the felons would still get them on the black market, however, only then the law abiding citizens would be left defenseless. Muggings and robberies would go through the roof.

I agree with you.

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Guest Taoist_Saint

I don't think that Gun Control involves people taking our guns away.

I thought it just meant more regulations, to ensure our safety, and to keep better track of gun ownership?

In any case, since cars kill more people, I am more in favor of people taking our cars away, and establishing mass transit (I mean REAL mass transit that can get you ANYWHERE). Less car accidents. Oil shortages will drop. The environment will improve.

Unless of course you are unwilling to give up the luxury of owning a nice car...but what did Jesus say to that rich kid about his material possessions?

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Originally posted by Taoist_Saint@Jan 6 2006, 12:40 PM

I don't think that Gun Control involves people taking our guns away. 

I thought it just meant more regulations, to ensure our safety, and to keep better track of gun ownership?

In any case, since cars kill more people, I am more in favor of people taking our cars away, and establishing mass transit (I mean REAL mass transit that can get you ANYWHERE).  Less car accidents.  Oil shortages will drop.  The environment will improve.

Unless of course you are unwilling to give up the luxury of owning a nice car...but what did Jesus say to that rich kid about his material possessions?

The pollution is getting so bad here, that I would actually welcome mass city transit. However, many of us live so far away from a Temple, how would we get home late at night from a session, or how would we get to Church on Sunday, unless the transit system ran 24/7? Many people work third shift...not a good idea for a woman alone to ride a subway in the middle of the night (not without a gun, anyway). And how about emergency hospital visits? I guess one could call a cab. But what about vacation time? Amtrak is very expensive...moreso than flying. I don't think mass city transit alone is very realistic...except to control the population. And we know what Jesus had to say about control. ;-)

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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by Aristotle@Jan 6 2006, 02:59 PM

The pollution is getting so bad here, that I would actually welcome mass city transit.  However, many of us live so far away from a Temple, how would we get home late at night from a session, or how would we get to Church on Sunday, unless the transit system ran 24/7?  Many people work third shift...not a good idea for a woman alone to ride a subway in the middle of the night (not without a gun, anyway).  And how about emergency hospital visits? I guess one could call a cab.  But what about vacation time?  Amtrak is very expensive...moreso than flying.  I don't think mass city transit alone is very realistic...except to control the population.  And we know what Jesus had to say about control.  ;-)

It is not impossible to have a transit system that runs 24/7 with security guards to ensure safety...actually, traffic cops could be replaced by transit cops, so we already have the people for the job. It would need to travel everywhere...on every road, no matter how remote. It would cost ridiculous amounts of money. But perhaps the money saved on gas and car payments could go towards paying for the transit system? I know "tax" is a dirty how about a "transit tithe?" The money saved in manufacturing cars could go into the transit system...the auto companies and their employees would become private contractors building trains. And if we stop going to war against other countries we could save another billion dollars per year to put into transit.

Maybe that is all a dream, but a little creative budgeting can perform miracles.

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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by Aristotle@Jan 6 2006, 04:04 PM

Those are all good ideas, but the American people won't give up their cars any more than they would give up their guns.  And the reason we have wars is to protect the freedoms that we cherish in this country.

I agree...the reason this will never happen is because Americans (and most humans) are materialistic and unwilling to sacrifice their material things for the greater good.

Oil companies are also very powerful, and would oppose an end to automobile production.

And I am not going to get into a debate about the Iraq War. We all know both sides of the story, and have chosen what to believe about it.

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Guest Taoist_Saint

But you would not need a car if my hypothetical 24/7 Mass Transit system existed, right?

It would run internally through entire cities, externally between cities (to replace freeways) and to airports.

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Originally posted by Taoist_Saint@Jan 6 2006, 06:00 PM

But you would not need a car if my hypothetical 24/7 Mass Transit system existed, right?

It would run internally through entire cities, externally between cities (to replace freeways) and to airports.

In our particular business, we need special equipment...and a car. LOL

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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by Aristotle+Jan 6 2006, 05:07 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Taoist_Saint@Jan 6 2006, 06:00 PM

But you would not need a car if my hypothetical 24/7 Mass Transit system existed, right?

It would run internally through entire cities, externally between cities (to replace freeways) and to airports.

In our particular business, we need special equipment...and a car. LOL

Well, if we think creatively, we can find ways to accomodate equipment on these trains. If we can land men on the moon, we can solve almost any problem, I like to think.

As for some jobs...police, fire dept...I guess we would need to let them keep their cars.

But the average citizen should not need one.

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