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Stop choosing. Or rather Choose once, and let that be your decision. Either you choose one or the other. As Joshua questioned the Israelites: "why halt ye between two choices?" Either choose God or the world and get on with your life.

When Satan tempted Jesus with turning stones into bread, Jesus didn't sit there thinking it over. He had already made his choice, and simply used scripture to back up his decision.

If you don't truly choose, then you will continue struggling after receiving the priesthood, while on your mission, and especially after a mission. But if you outright choose once and for all, then your mind will be at peace and your soul at rest.

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I have found that the more I do things of the spirit the less influence the world can have on me. It creates a mind set, when you are set on resisting temptation you think about temptation which makes it harder to think of other things. When you are set on spiritual growth instead then you focus on spiritual growth which makes it harder to think of other things ie temptation.

- put on EFY or church music constantly, at home in car on your mp3 player etc.

- set out church magazines, books or scriptures around the house to catch your eye. (Bathroom works well for men. :)

- stick with or begin scripture study and prayer.

- Attend all church activities possible.

- Make sure you do your home teaching and serve in any calling you have.

- Don't beat yourself up over thoughts, just decide you are better then what you are thinking and think elsewhere.

I promise you it works, when I feel myself slipping toward only habits or thoughts I step this up and quickly the focus turns again to the good.

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3 weeks and my mind is on fire with temptation. My mind is actually trying find a reason to stop going to church. Ugh I'm so exhausted from this at times. :o. Im not sure what to do...

You are human, and becuase you are human it is natural you're psyche will oppose things that are not in your passionate self interest.

Coming from a Freudian Psychological perspective, your ID is showing it's ugly head.

Don't worry too much about it, it's a part of being human to not want to do something that isn't out of free choice.

But, as it appears it is making you distraught, I would seek out your religious leaders for guidance.

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Made it to 4 weeks and things are calming down a bit. Still have strange dreams sometimes. :D

That is normal.

Our bodies function differently depending on what foods we put into them. When we change from an unhealthy diet to a healthy one our bodies struggle with learning how to use the different types of fuel.

Our minds depend on stimulation, exercise and rest, we with our bodies when we alter what it's normal intakes are then it struggles to adjust to the new routines.

Like our bodies our minds do adjust and usually are much clearer and healthier when we choose the better way.

Keep it up, over time it get will seem a whole new world.

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