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Please tell me How to surrender my heart, mind and soul to God.

Please tell me how to desire his WILL,

Please tell me how to FORGET my own desires,

I prayed-and blamed myself for all my own transgression-Striving each day to live righteously and humbly-

Sometimes, I ask HIM to take my heart and make it not feel anything so I wont feel the pangs of pain and loss, I ask HIM sometimes that I dont want to face the temptation of SATAN and let me pass this earth.

Please tell me how......:confused::(

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ASK Him for the desire to share his wants for you. ASK for the faith to desire His will. Another chance to share my current favorite scripture:

From Alma chapter 32 (the whole chapter is wonderful- I suggest reading it):

26Now, as I said concerning faith—that it was not a perfect knowledge—even so it is with my words. Ye cannot know of their surety at first, unto perfection, any more than faith is a perfect knowledge.

27But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, yea, even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words.

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Oh May, I empathize with how you are feeling.

It appears that something very painful has happened in your life. You're seeking comfort and forgiveness. Your burden feels heavy and you need help.

Your Heavenly Father is there. Christ is there. They know your name and love you oh so very much. As you reach out to your Heavenly Father in your Saviors name, He will help you. He will comfort you. Continue seeking him and beseeching him in prayer.

Pour our your heart to Him. Tell him everything your feeling. Your hopes, your fears, your dreams, your concerns. Ask for his help. Plead for his aid. He will help you.

This is His Church. The Gifts of the Spirit are real.

Pray to know what the Holy Ghost in His role as the Comforter feel like. Pray for Comfort. Pray for Strength. Pray to know his Will. Pray to desire it.

Seek out your Bishop and tell him how you are feeling. Ask for his advice. Ask for a blessing. He will be hands through which the Lord can bless comfort and strengthen you.

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Be strong! you will be Ok.. Things are going to be OK..

Keep close to the Savior, through constant prayer, remind yourself that you know he lives and has overcome all! (even what you are going through now)

Remember that you too will overcome aswel according to your faith! Dig your heel into your Faith as you know it! (remember times when passed prayers were answered etc.. spiritual experience etc..) if you cant, then Pray and ask for strength in Faith (and protection at this time as Satan will try to tempt you! don't you let him!)

Endure it as Well as you can!, feel for the comforter..(pray that you may fell it..) tough it out Sis! wait on the Lord and be of good cheer! know he is with you! The comforter which you were blessed with is there so be still, know that he is GOD and his spirit is bestowed upon you! for these times especially.. (COS he is my sis!) Hold to the Rod as tight as you can..(in any way as you can, I downloaded the Audio of the BOM and listened to it every morning and night because i was so weak i couldn't even bring myself to focus on reading)

Fast! Priesthood Blessings.. Prayer and Prayer and Prayer..

These words i leave with you with love, as a testimony, that i know they help and that after the trail of my Faith in these things i am blessed! and Happier and more enlightened.. and stronger because of it..

its worth it!! Kia Kaha!! be Strong!! Things are going to be ok!! According to your Faith!! i pray for you in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen xoxox

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Moroni 7:48.

Don't focus so much on yourself, but on doing good and serving others. Focus on your faith in Christ, and in giving him constant thanks for the redemption. The desires will come naturally. Temptations will always be there, as that is part of life's challenge. But we can spend time in the scriptures, pondering the blessings of God, and developing our gratitude, and doing so we'll grow from grace to grace, receiving grace for grace (D&C 93).

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Ask yourself this:

DO you Trust God? no long answers, just a simple yes or no that has conviction.

now let me ask you some questions:

Who knows what you want more? Who knows you better? Who is more understanding of the world around you, and is able to make clearer decisions and choices? Who knows whats best?

the answer is obvious.

if under every circumstance you had the attitude of "theres a reason for everything", my friend you would go very far in life, finding the bounds of happiness normal people just cant seem to reach.

remember, LIFE is not suppose to be easy.

and look at it this way, God MADE YOU. that means HE MADE YOUR HEART.

Does that mean he made a heart that may turn on him at times? Yes it does.

take this quote with a grain of salt, its not 100% accurate, but i believe its fitting.

"The Lord doesnt care how many times you fall, but rather how many times you get up."

God understands us and our imperfections. Christ learned his knowledge from perfection from perfection, good decision after good decision. You can either learn its better to not touch a boiling pot of water by touching it or not touching it. one is a painful learning experience, the other is a safe learning experience. We learn our experience from imperfection to imperfection. we still learn, but ONLY if we get up when we fall.

if you expect perfection from yourself, youre setting yourself up for failure.

it is difficult to be sure my advice is within context because im unsure what troubles you, whether its turning from God with sins or pain from losing a loved one.... etc.

but whatever it is, it is not needed. just remember. GOD IS IN CHARGE. He knows you, and he knows whats best.

trust him.

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There are priesthood holders in your life who have at least some level of stewardship over you. Ask for a blessing, get your advice right from the source. Don't be bashful about talking to your local leadership either. That's part of their job, let them know what's going on. But pray about whether or not to ask for a blessing. He hears our prayers, and that is one of the ways He talks back to us.

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