
Dr T

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Hello all,

I think it was MrsS who said that she would be with those loved ones (and others she has not yet met) in the afterlife. This prompted a thought about being sealed to your family. When you are sealed to family members there is a belief that you will be with them eternally. Is that right? If so, what happens when a family member progresses in exaltation? Say multiple sons become a god-what then? What of the god that you worship on Earth? I'd guess that he has siblings that may have also progressed but wouldn't they be on their own planet/universe? Will someone explain their thoughts on that please.

Thank you,

Dr. T

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Hi Dr T. I will give you some thoughts on this according to my understanding. The heavens operate on a patriarchal system. In other words, it's family based. We will always be subject to our Father in Heaven, and likewise He to His Father in Heaven. As far as our siblings go, if one advances to Godhood, we will still worship our same God. The sibling who advanced to Godhood will go off and begin his own family and possibly his own universe; yet he will still be family. Much like when My brother grew up, got married and moved away. Although he started his own family, he is still my brother and I still visit with him.


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Thank you for your thoughts on this L.H. What about being sealed though. If that is being sealed for all time/eternity does that mean you will always be together? If so, how would that affect creating a whole new universe? What about if there are more than one in the family?


Dr. T

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Thank you for your thoughts on this L.H. What about being sealed though. If that is being sealed for all time/eternity does that mean you will always be together? If so, how would that affect creating a whole new universe? What about if there are more than one in the family?


Dr. T

If everyone in the family attained to Celestial glory, they would all be in the presence of the Father anyway. So one might ask: "What would be the point in sealing the family together if they are all going to be together anyway?"

I believe that one of the purposes for it is so that should one family member make it, and another one does not, the family tie is still there which enables the one who made it to extend a hand to those in his family that didn't make it, and offer them the opportunity of further progress.

As far as creating universes, each one would see to their own universe. (your kids wouldn't be allowed to come over and beat up my kids)


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Thank you for your input, L.H. So, if one/some of the family walk away from the faith, and one "makes it" they will be given another chance? Once again, "it's not what you know but who you know" that is important. Does anyone else have any thought about this?

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Thank you for your input, L.H. So, if one/some of the family walk away from the faith, and one "makes it" they will be given another chance? Once again, "it's not what you know but who you know" that is important. Does anyone else have any thought about this?

Except that person will not be given another chance unless he/she was making good progress in this life.


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"When you are sealed to family members there is a belief that you will be with them eternally. Is that right?"


"If so, what happens when a family member progresses in exaltation? Say multiple sons become a god-what then?"

I'm not quite sure I understand your question. I think LionHeart put it perfectly in his analogy where he likened it to us getting married and moving away but still being of the same family. In your specific questions, if multiple sons (or brothers) became gods, they would each govern their own universe's but this is where I'm not sure I understand your question.. they would still be brothers. They would still have contact and have relationships (for the lack of a better word). We must remember that the Celestial world and celectial glory is incomprehensible to us.. we have no idea how much The Lord can do at a time.. we have no idea what His day consists of. Just as an example, he could very well go out to lunch (if gods eat lunch) while answering all our prayers, conversing with our prophet, and working miracles. This is not doctrine at all, so bare with me.. simply my thoughts as you asked for. So anyway, going back to your question, if multiple sons became gods, they would simply become gods and that would be that. They would still be brothers... or sons or whoever their father was (if their father also made it to exaltation).

"What of the god that you worship on Earth?"

Our Heavenly Father will always be our Heavenly Father. Christ will always be our Savior. They are now and will be forever. We will still worship them.. I imagine the'll welcome us home, we'll rejoice, we'll get re-aquainted, we'll learn, and they'll teach. I KNOW they'll remain in the position they're in.. our Master, our Father, and our Savior.

"I'd guess that he has siblings that may have also progressed but wouldn't they be on their own planet/universe?"

I imagine so. Maybe they go out for lunch every once in a while?

PS- Please dont take my "going out to lunch" comments (or any others like them) too critically.. I wrote this post with the understanding that we do not understand nor it is possible for us to understand the ways of the celestial world and so it is all simply put into worldy terms and I hope you can read it this way. I really dont know if gods even eat. I simply used the phrase to better explain my thoughts. On that note though, I would think that they do, not for health or nourishment or anything, but perhaps simply to reminisce? Who knows?

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PS- Please dont take my "going out to lunch" comments (or any others like them) too critically.. I wrote this post with the understanding that we do not understand nor it is possible for us to understand the ways of the celestial world and so it is all simply put into worldy terms and I hope you can read it this way. I really dont know if gods even eat. I simply used the phrase to better explain my thoughts. On that note though, I would think that they do, not for health or nourishment or anything, but perhaps simply to reminisce? Who knows?

no problem.

Thank you for your thoughts. You are saying that they develop on their own but they are tied in as a family anyway. If families are not sealed, then the cease to be family after death?

You bring up another interesting idea. You say you will always worship God the Father and Jesus will always be your savior and that God probably does the same thing. Are there any verses that show that God the Father worships his god? If He does, as you say, it makes sense that He would make mention of Him. Don't you think?


Dr. T

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