I had an affair...I'm now feeling very alone & vulnerable.

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Male point of view

its been suggested to just serve him but i would be careful with this.

Men need time to process. To him this news would be like being side swiped by a Truck. He probably had no idea this would ever happen to him in his life. This is a lot for a male to take in at once. He will be feeling like he has failed himself, that he wan't good enough as a husband especially intimately.

Men don't tend to role everything up into one. He will try to dissect the whole situation piece by piece and see where he has failed. Women tend to talk these situations out (hence the reason why you started this thread) Men tend to walk through the situation in there own mind. If he is distant its because he will need space. If you try to serve him to much, he will want his space back. To you this will seem like rejection to a Man this just means give me time to process. Unfortunately there is no quick path back for trust in a relationship. If you try to force conversation with a Man this could do more damage than good, unfortunately many women don't understand this. You could leave him little notes expressing your love to him. This is a good way of expressing yourself and giving hi his own time. Men tend to want to fix things but a broken relationship is hard for a Man to navigate in his own mind.

Give him time...

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