Mission papers?


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Hi, I'm starting to fill out my papers to be a sister missionary. A few quick questions, whenever you are uploading the documents like your driver's license can you just take a picture of it, or do you have to actually have a scanned picture of it. I'm not sure how to so that. And does not having a passport effect your mission call at all?


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Hi Padmoose, thank you for your desire to be an embassador of Christ and His Church. :)

I would scan the license, although I'm not 100% positive about it and it might work with just a picture. But better scan it, just in case. :) I've seen papers coming back without a call for various reasons and I suggest that you should try not to be one of them. :)

And no, not having a passport won't have any effect on where you are called. If you are called to serve in a foreign Mission, you will have to get a passport before you get to the MTC, although that shouldn't be a problem. Passports are useful to have anyways, so I would encourage you to go and get one as soon as possible, even though it may not make any difference on your Mission.

I hope that helped! :)

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  • 1 month later...

Friedmann is right--the passport won't make a big deal.

While you're looking to scan your drivers licence, you probably want to have you health insurance card handy as well. They'll also need your immunization records and a photo of you dressed in proper missionary attire (with everything digital these days, you probably won't have to scan it into the system, but if it's not digital, you'll have to scan this in as well).

There's an online checklist I used before starting my papers, included below (just in case it helps!).

Before you Start: Things to Collect before Starting the Online Recommendation Process | Called to Serve: Mission Prep for LDS Sisters

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Hi, I'm starting to fill out my papers to be a sister missionary. A few quick questions, whenever you are uploading the documents like your driver's license can you just take a picture of it, or do you have to actually have a scanned picture of it. I'm not sure how to so that. And does not having a passport effect your mission call at all?


I think its wonderful that u desided to be a missionary and serve the Lord and others. You will be a instrument in bring others much happiness by sharing the most important messages of all (the Gospel). PLus we need more sister missionaries in the field. Sister Missionarys rock!! Sorry brothers Im a little prejustist here. Sisters just seem to be able to show love more imho and so forth But Elders are awesome too.

Edited by Roseslipper
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