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Hello, my name is David and I am a 2 year convert to the LDS church. It's funny because I was baptized on April 1st. (sister missionary idea lol). I was living a life contrary to the gospel before this, and was on the fast track going down. The church has been nothing short of a Godsend for me, and my family as well I believe. I am the only member in my family, including both my mother and fathers side. It can be tough sometimes, though I feel that not having family worship will only make it that much sweeter when I marry in the temple.

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I too am the only member in my family.

While you are quite correct about the joys of worshipping alongside your wife, I would also point out the incalculable joys of worshipping with your daughters- and of laying your hands on their heads and calling forth the powers of Heaven to bless and strengthen them.

I suggest to you the manifest joy of one day ordaining your sons as servants of the Most High God.

It is no mistake that the greatest blessing offered to Abraham and Sarah was their posterity.

For he (and she) who is faithful and steadfast in magnifying his calling, joy builds upon joy, blessing upon blessing.

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